Libmonster ID: BY-3051
Author(s) of the publication: B. V. LEVSHIN

Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 279 p.

The monograph of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor G. D. Komkov (Nauka Publishing House) is devoted to the study of one of the most important aspects of the CPSU's activities during the Great Patriotic War. It is well known that the war of the world's first socialist state against fascist Germany was of an acute class character. It was conducted both by force of arms and by force of ideas. In this struggle, the Soviet Union won not only a military victory, but also a moral and political one.

Soviet historiography has a considerable number of works devoted to the party's activities on the ideological front. However, many of them are either local in nature or limited by chronological boundaries. In this respect, G. D. Komkov's research differs markedly from the previous ones. The author has set himself the goal of summarizing the many-sided activities of the Communist Party during the war period and broadly showing the main directions of educational work among home front workers.

The book is written on a solid source base. The documents of the Central Administration of the IML under the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Central State Administration of the USSR, the Archive of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and the Archive of the All-Union Central Committee were widely used. Valuable data on the work of party organizations were extracted from regional archives: MK and MGK of the CPSU, Kuibyshev, Ivanovo, Sverdlovsk and others. The periodical press of the war years, as well as domestic and foreign publications, has been thoroughly studied.

The book begins with a discussion of the moral and political preparation of the Soviet people for the defense of the socialist Fatherland in the pre-war years. The party's activities aimed at strengthening the ideological education of the working masses are described convincingly and with the use of a large amount of factual material. During this period, the party continued to improve the activities of ideological institutions, fight to raise the theoretical level of all means of ideological and political influence, and expanded the scope of political work in the country. Thanks to the efforts of the CPSU, outstanding achievements were made in strengthening the moral and political unity of society, the friendship of the peoples of the USSR, and the education of Soviet patriotism.

Assessing the tense international situation in the world on the eve of World War II, the growing aggressiveness of the countries of the imperialist bloc and the clear threat to peace from German fascism. The Communist Party took decisive measures to strengthen mass defense work among the population. The book provides data (drawn from the country's archives) on the work of the Union of Osoaviakhim Societies, the Red Cross and Red Crescent of the USSR, mass defense and defense sports organizations. Using statistical and factual data, the author traces the dynamics of numerical growth and qualitative changes in the work of these societies. In the pre-war years, the Communist Party did a great job of preparing the population for the defense of the Motherland, creating a reliable reserve for the Defense of the Motherland.-

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the Soviet Armed Forces, preparing people for the hardships of the war years.

The book offers the reader an analysis of the roots of German fascism, provides new facts about the use of all mass media by the fascists for their own purposes, reveals the monstrous mechanism of the barbaric implantation of social-Nazi ideology in the country and its spread far beyond Germany. Fascism as an ideology reflected the views of the most reactionary part of imperialist circles, expressed their predatory class interests, was elevated by the Hitlerites to the rank of state policy and, like rust, spread among the population of the country, being declared the only worldview for the German people. Misanthropic ideas, as well as insidious methods of instilling fascist ideology, were directed with a sharp edge against the peoples of Europe and, first of all, against the USSR.

In the difficult conditions of the treacherous attack on our country, the Communist Party took the lead in exposing the ideology of fascism and mobilizing the forces of the Soviet people to defeat the enemy. The advantage of the section of the book devoted to the restructuring of the ideological activity of the Communist Party in connection with the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War is the deep continuity of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, tested by time and the experience of the civil war, which from the first days of the war was used by the party in its ideological work and Lenin's doctrine of the unity of the front and rear, the nature of wars, and the defense of the socialist Fatherland was adopted by party organizations and became a formidable weapon of the ideological front of the Great Patriotic War. Beginning with the directive of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government of June 29, 1941, and J. V. Stalin's speech on All-Union radio on July 3, 1941, the party launched an even broader struggle for the victory of the Marxist-Leninist worldview over the ideology of fascism, for the implementation of the program of ideological and political education of the people during the war.

The pages of the book are written with great emotional force about the civil patriotism and boundless love for the Motherland of the Soviet people in the rear. The creation of people's militia formations, fighter battalions, and the mass mobilization of people's forces for the needs of the front and the national economy-all this testifies to the deep unity of the party and the people, who united their efforts in difficult times under the slogan "Everything for the front, everything for victory!".

G. D. Komkov also dwells in detail on the problem of restructuring all means of ideological and political influence in a military way. The creation of the Soviet Information Bureau (Sovinformburo), a new theme for the press, the restructuring of the radio, the strengthening of agitation and propaganda activities at the front and in the rear, changes in publishing activities and other measures were successful: in the shortest possible time, the ideological front of the war was brought into a state of full combat readiness.

The author traced the ways of improving mass-political propaganda carried out by all mass media during the first period of the war, at the stage of its radical turning point and the final victorious march of the Soviet Army through the lands recaptured from the enemy. He gave a picture of the development of forms and methods of information and patriotic work, as well as the qualitative evolution of the content of the ideological activity of the party in relation to the requirements of each new day of the war. Much attention is paid to G. D. Komkov's study of the work of the party in those national regions of the country that were temporarily occupied by the Nazis and where Goebbels ' propaganda was active, and to the implementation of Lenin's international policy of friendship and unity of the peoples of a multinational state. The Communist Party resolutely fought against all manifestations of bourgeois ideology and nationalist views. She carried out a colossal work on the ideological education of Soviet soldiers-internationalists who carried out the world-historical mission of liberating the peoples of the world from fascism.

In the last period of the war, issues of organizing socialist competition in production and agriculture, the dissemination of natural science and technical knowledge, and atheist propaganda began to occupy an important place in the ideological work of the party. The author's attention was also drawn to the problems of the numerical growth of the cadre of ideological workers, the increase in the ranks of Communist Party members.

The book by G. D. Komkov is

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a comprehensive study covering almost all aspects of the CPSU's multifaceted ideological work in the home front. Along with traditional forms of agitation and propaganda (press, radio, lectures, etc.), such important means of ideological influence on the patriotic education of workers as fiction, works of art, scientific and technical propaganda of scientists and agitation activities of social scientists, the work of Soviet publishing houses are given a place. Such an attempt by the author to synthesize the results of studying the local forms of ideological work of the party led the researcher to the conclusion that the ideological activity of the Communist Party was the most powerful means by which the masses were set in motion and the people were mobilized to solve a wide range of wartime tasks. Victory on the ideological front, as well as victory on the war fronts, led to the defeat of Hitlerite Germany and its accomplices, to the ideological collapse of fascism.

The monograph has some suggestions. The author based its structure on two methodological principles: historical and problematic. The first three chapters are written in historical terms, and the fourth - in thematic terms. This approach to the presentation of the topic leads to inevitable repetitions. Not all sections of the book are written with the same completeness.

In general, G. D. Komkov's book is a study of the ideological work of the party during the Great Patriotic War on a wide range of issues, clarifies many problems of the military history of our state, deliberately confused by bourgeois falsifiers, and provides agitators and propagandists with valuable historical material for modern ideological work. Written with the help of many new factual data, the book will take a strong place in the Soviet historical literature.

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B. V. LEVSHIN, G. D. KOMKOV. ON THE IDEOLOGICAL FRONT OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR // Minsk: Belarusian Electronic Library (BIBLIOTEKA.BY). Updated: 28.01.2025. URL: (date of access: 09.02.2025).

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