By the 80th anniversary of the 1905 - 19071905-1907 revolution in Russia-had a major impact on the workers ' liberation movement around the world. For the first time, the proletariat emerged as an independent political and ideological force capable of exer …
One of the topics insufficiently covered in science is the evolution of the situation of small service people (soldiers, city Cossacks, archers, persons of the Pushkin rank) in Russia. Forming an ordinary mass of the armed forces, they played an important …
The Central Commission for Improving the Life of Scientists under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (TSEKUBU) was the name of an institution created by the Soviet Government in the early 20s, which provided great assistance in preserving scie …
In three volumes. Edited by Academician S. D. Skazkin (executive editor), L. A. Kotelnikova, and V. I. Rutenburg. 1970. 579 pp. The print run is 19250. Price 2 rubles. 50 kopecks.
The history of medieval Italy aroused considerable interest among Russian pr …
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