Seventy years have passed since the birth of the outstanding Soviet historian, academician Militsa Vasilyevna Nechkina.
M. V. Nechkina was born on February 12 (25), 1901 in Ukraine, in the town of Nizhyn, Chernihiv province (now Chernihiv region of the Ukr …
Spilka B., Ladd K. Psychology of prayer. Scientific approach / Translated from English. Oksana Gritchina. Kharkiv: Humanitarian Center, 2014, 254 p. (in Russian)1
Translations of modern literature are a problem area for Russian religious studies: there are …
Єленський В. Велике повернення: релігія у глобальній політиці та міжнародних відносинах кінця XX - початку XXI століття. Львів: Вид-во УКУ, 2013. - 504 с.
Viktor Elensky's book "The Great Return: Religion in Global Politics and International Relations of t …
Monk Gabriel (1929-1995) is one of the most popular religious personalities in modern Georgia. His sermons and prophecies became very popular in the early 1990s and still are to this date. The expanding Internet social networks added to his popularity. His …
The experience of preparing on a voluntary basis and publishing a multi-volume "History of cities and villages of the Ukrainian SSR" is of great interest not only among historians, but also among wide circles of the Soviet public. The creation of such a wo …
Councils as a Manifestation of the Church
Paul Valliere - Butler University in Indianapolis (Indiana, USA).
In this essay the author develops the theme of councils as living ecclesiology, as a manifestation of the reality of the Church. …
6. The Rise of Severin Nalyvaiko
Nalyvaiko, having driven the Tatars out of Podolia, sent envoys to Zaporozhye. Arriving in the Sich on July 1, 1594, they appealed to the Cossacks to take up arms against the gentry rule in Ukraine. The Cossacks were very s …
"Der Bund der Kommunisten. Dokumente and Materialien". Band I. 1836 - 1849. Dietz Verlag. Berlin. 1970. 1196 S.
The history of the first international proletarian organization - the Union of Communists - is the subject of unflagging attention of researcher …
The heroic struggle of the working people of Western Ukraine for social and national liberation, for reunification with Soviet Ukraine, has long attracted the attention of many historians. 1 However, this topic has not yet been studied in all its aspects, …
In three volumes. Edited by Academician S. D. Skazkin (executive editor), L. A. Kotelnikova, and V. I. Rutenburg. 1970. 579 pp. The print run is 19250. Price 2 rubles. 50 kopecks.
The history of medieval Italy aroused considerable interest among Russian pr …
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