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This article is devoted to the wide set of practices of coercion and punishment of saints via their images that are well documented in the Catholic world from the early Middle Ages to the Early Modern period. According to the basic historiographical narrat
Беларусь Анлайн · 31 days ago 0 30

This article deals with the Russian mystical religious group of the Christ-Faith (Khristovery, or Khlysty). It draws upon documents of the eighteenth century referring to Christ-Faith believers in Moscow. According to these texts, in the middle of the eigh
Беларусь Анлайн · 32 days ago 0 40

Вертикальные пылесосы сочетают технологии, стильный дизайн и продуманную эргономику. Они оснащены несколькими насадками, поэтому справляются с разными задачами по уборке, хорошо очищают благодаря мощной силе всасывания. В этой статье разберемся, как выбрат
Mood: High
Беларусь Анлайн · 32 days ago 0 42

This article describes the results of quantitative value research of the Muslims of Dagestan and outlines the difference between religious groups present in this republic of Russia. It also presents information on the determinants of the justification of v
Беларусь Анлайн · 33 days ago 0 25

This article considers the actual problems of teaching about religion in public schools. The implementation of the educational concept outlined in the "Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools" (2007) has been the
Беларусь Анлайн · 34 days ago 0 31

The teaching about religions, being a necessary part of education, needs to be supported; and the 10th anniversary of "Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools" (2007) serves as a good occasion to discuss this iss
Беларусь Анлайн · 35 days ago 0 30

ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПОГРЕБАЛЬНОЙ ОБРЯДНОСТИ РАННЕСКИФСКОГО НАСЕЛЕНИЯ ДОЛИНЫ РЕКИ ЭЭРБЕК В ТУВЕ (ПО МАТЕРИАЛАМ РАСКОПОК МОГИЛЬНИКА БАЙ-ДАГ I)* В результате изучения материалов раскопок памятника Бай-Даг 1, расположенного в долине р. Ээрбек в Туве, выявлены особенно
Беларусь Анлайн · 43 days ago 0 39

Вопрос о возникновении и распространении производящего хозяйства на территории Западной Грузии все еще не решен окончательно. В настоящее время здесь ни на одном из т.н. неолитических памятников не зафиксированы признаки оседлости населения и доместикации
Беларусь Анлайн · 44 days ago 0 45

This article deals with a particular case of blasphemy that happened in 1995 when a Protestant televangelist insulted one of the most reverend religious symbols of Brazil - Nossa Senhora Aparecid. This was shown on TV as the televangelist's protest against
Беларусь Анлайн · 45 days ago 0 48

This is the publication of a letter from Soviet believers about persecutions of the monks of Pochaev Lavra, Ukraine. This letter is preserved in the Keston Center for Religion Politics and Society at Baylor University, Texas, USA, earlier in the Keston Ins
Беларусь Анлайн · 46 days ago 0 40
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
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