S. V. PROZHOGINA Doctor of Philological Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: contemporary Moroccan fiction, Iman Nasiri, collection of short stories "Don't judge me harshly", dichotomy "tradition-modernity", "East-West" The first collection of short stories by Iman Nasiri is called "Don't Judge Me Harshly" (Iman Naciri. Ne me jugez pas! Casablanca, 2012). As if addressing his readers, the aspiring author hopes for leniency to their literary skills - after all, Iman Nasiri (b. 1976) by profession, it would seem, is far from artistic creativity: she is a "Master of Marketing in communications", that is, from among the intelligentsia, more "technological" than humanitarian. But it is obvious not only that Iman Nasiri is one of the generation of those "new women" of Morocco who believe that education is just as vital for them in modern Muslim society as for men, and that it is important for a woman to work for herself, her family, and her children, and that her "social purpose" is the same."it opens both her own way into the world and herself - for him. Iman Nasiri is another vivid example of those smart and talented women of Morocco (and our magazine has already had the honor to present many of their names*) who join the ranks of modern writers, because for them it is their main profession (sociologist, architect, lawyer, doctor, etc.) that provides an opportunity for observation and understanding of what is happening in the near future. It leads to the desire to capture those moments and images that reflect not only the passing or inevitably coming new time of life, but also the attributes of its national tradition and the Moroccan mentality that remain unchanged. Dedicating the book to her family-her parents, husband, children, relatives and friends-Iman Nasiri wrote in the preface to one of the short stories in her collection in January 2012: "Moroccan society is full of subjects for literature. Everywhere you meet a wi ... Читать далее

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Беларусь Анлайн · 308 days ago 0 149
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Беларусь Анлайн
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17.11.2023 (308 days ago)
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