ZAPORIZHIA SICH (The ending follows)
1. In the Pan captivity Zaporozhye Cossacks left a bright mark in history. This explains the huge interest in it. When and under what circumstances did the Zaporozhye Cossacks appear on the public arena? To answer this question, let's turn to the events of the XV-XVI centuries. At that time, important changes were taking place in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which then comprised most of the Ukrainian lands. The social division of labor deepened, and as a result, cities grew, commodity-money relations developed. The feudal economy was increasingly drawn into market relations. Now it was easier to sell village produce in the city market and use the money to buy local handicrafts, as well as foreign goods. Under the influence of the growing economic ties between the village and the city, long-held tastes and habits began to change. The life of the Polish and Lithuanian lords was gradually rebuilt. They sought to replace the mansions built by village carpenters with spacious and beautiful houses and palaces, to furnish them with expensive furniture, to decorate them with carpets and mirrors. The lords began to wear expensive clothes, buy expensive weapons, silver and gold dishes. Hungarian wines and oriental spices appeared on the master's table. Money was needed to meet these increased needs. And you could get them only by increasing your income. Therefore, the feudal lords raised their natural dues and sold the resulting products of their own and peasant farms. The monetary rent also grew (or was introduced where it had not been before), which forced the peasants to also sell part of their products on the market. But it wasn't enough. Feudal lords began to change the forms of farming. Folvark (the feudal lord's own farm) is becoming increasingly important. Folwarks were given the best land, usually taken away from the peasants. Gradually, folwarks turned into multi-industry farms, where cattle breeding, various crafts, and processing of agricultural produc ... Читать далее

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Беларусь Анлайн · 24 days ago 0 51
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
17.01.2025 (24 days ago)
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ZAPORIZHIA SICH (The ending follows)

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