Spilka B., Ladd K. Psychology of prayer. Scientific approach / Translated from English. Oksana Gritchina. Kharkiv: Humanitarian Center, 2014, 254 p. (in Russian)1
Translations of modern literature are a problem area for Russian religious studies: there are very few of them. Classical texts have been translated to some extent. Individual articles are at least occasionally translated and published in journals, but monographs have to be read independently in the original language. Obviously, this is a problem for many researchers due to language barriers. Therefore, the publication in Russian of a recent (published in English in 2013) monograph from recognized authorities in the field of psychology of religion, Bernard Spilka (Distinguished Professor of Denver-
1. The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 14-18-03771 "Modern Western Psychology of Religion: Adaptation in the Russian context", the recipient organization of funding-St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities.
page 270the author of numerous articles and books on the psychology of religion and spirituality) and Kevin Ladd (associate professor at Indiana University, where he directs the social psychology of religion laboratories), dedicated to the scientific study of the phenomenon of prayer, could not but cause joy and arouse some hopes, for example, for the use of this text by teachers of religious psychology, who, thanks to the translation, they will have the opportunity to go beyond the chronological framework that usually limits this course.
By itself, this monograph is very suitable for students to study. It accumulates the results of scientific research on prayer, referees a lot of conducted studies, combined into several groups. It should be noted that almost all the reviewed works are published in English and are devoted almost exclusively to the Anglo-American sample.
The authors ' basic approach is to study prayer as a communicative act. The minimal form of prayer th ...
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