Seventy years have passed since the birth of the outstanding Soviet historian, academician Militsa Vasilyevna Nechkina.
M. V. Nechkina was born on February 12 (25), 1901 in Ukraine, in the town of Nizhyn, Chernihiv province (now Chernihiv region of the Ukrainian SSR). In 1921, she graduated from the Historical Department of the Faculty of History and Philology of Kazan University and was left with it to prepare for the professorship. At the same time, she began teaching in higher educational institutions of Kazan and at the Faculty of Kazan University.
In 1924, M. V. Nechkina moved to Moscow, completed postgraduate studies at the Russian Association of Research Institutes of Social Sciences (RANIION), completed a course in the history department of the Institute of the Red Professorship, and began working as a senior researcher at first the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, then the Institute of History of the Communist Academy. With the establishment of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1935, M. V. Nechkina became a member of it and is still one of its leading employees.
Simultaneously with her research activities, M. V. Nechkina continued her teaching work in Moscow. In the 1920s, she taught at the rabfak, at the 2nd Moscow University, and at the Communist University of the Workers of the East. In 1934, she began teaching at the newly created Faculty of History of Moscow State University and worked there for many years. In 1935, the Higher Attestation Commission approved her as a professor. At the same time, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences awarded her the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences.
For a number of years (starting in 1946), M. V. Nechkina was a professor at the Department of History of the USSR of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (at one time she was the head of this department). Since 1947. she is a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences o ...
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