Rostov-on-Don. 1983. 420 p.
The participation of the Don Cossacks in the peasant wars has already been reflected in the works of Soviet historians. However, there has not yet been any generalizing work on this problem. The book by Professor of Rostov University, Doctor of Historical Sciences A. P. Pronshtein and senior lecturer of the Rostov Institute of National Economy, Candidate of Historical Sciences N. A. Mininkov makes it possible to fill this gap. The authors conducted a comparative historical analysis of the role of the Don Cossacks at various stages of the development of the anti-feudal movement of the XVII-XVIII centuries, identified the main trends and general patterns associated with their participation in the class struggle, i.e. everything that is difficult to study in the narrow framework of individual peasant wars. This approach opened the way to clarifying the question of the correlation of national, anti-feudal and class Cossack motives in the speeches of the Don Cossacks, since this ratio was not the same in different peasant wars.
The book is characterized by a wide chronological coverage and richness of factual material, which gives a detailed idea of the problem posed. At the same time, the authors managed to avoid disunity by showing the participation of the Don Cossacks in each of the four peasant wars. All parts of the book, each devoted to one of the peasant wars, are closely related to each other. The authors achieved this due to the fact that they paid a lot of attention to-
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In order to characterize such issues as the situation in the whole country and on the Don on the eve of the peasant wars, the government's policy towards the Don Cossacks and their class and legal status in the state, their military service, the consequences of peasant wars for them, etc. Taking into account the available literature, which is rich and diverse, the authors in many cases conclusions.
In the book, the four most powerful popular movements of the ...
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