Essays on the history of trade unions of the Ukrainian SSR. Kyiv. Politizdat Ukrainy. 1983. 663 p.
Many works of Soviet scientists are devoted to the history of trade unions .1 An important step in its further development is the peer-reviewed work prepared by the Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, a branch of the IML under the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Ukrainian Republican Council of Trade Unions .2The authors show how important Lenin's teaching on trade unions, party documents relating to their activities, and the struggle of V. I. Lenin and the party against opposition groups that wanted to lead the trade unions on the path of anarcho-syndicalism were in the creation and development of trade unions in Ukraine. The material presented in the essays shows that the party at all stages of history introduced socialist consciousness into the trade union movement, waged a struggle against the penetration of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideology into it. Thanks to the party leadership, the book emphasizes, the trade unions of our country, including the trade unions of Ukraine, have become a social force that has a huge influence among the masses of working people and great international authority. The Party has always shown and continues to show concern for increasing the role of trade unions in society, for increasing their importance as a school of management, a school of management, and a school of communism. The history of trade unions in Ukraine clearly shows that the party leadership of trade unions is the source of their strength and success.
The essays make extensive use of archival documents and other sources. A large number of new facts are introduced into scientific circulation, many previously insufficiently studied issues of the history of trade unions in Ukraine are highlighted, in particular their activities during the imperialist military intervention and civil war; the process of merging t ...
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