Kyiv. Вища школа. 1981. 159 p.
The book of Professor of the Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Social Sciences at the Kiev University, Doctor of Historical Sciences G. I. Marakhov logically continues his previous works on the socio-political struggle in Ukraine 1 . The new monograph examines the class struggle and socio-political movement in Ukraine before and after the abolition of serfdom. The author used and introduced into scientific circulation many documents from various archives, complementing the picture of mass anti-serfdom actions and peasant uprisings in Ukraine (including the so-called Kiev Cossacks).
G. I. Marakhov managed to discover new information about the secret society "Friends of Humanity", created at the very beginning of the Crimean War in Kiev. It conducted anti-government and anti-serf agitation among the people. Its organizers are students of the Kiev University Yu. Kotkovsky and L. Sovinsky are interesting for their views and the nature of their activities. The documents show that the circle members were familiar with the works of A. Mickiewicz and T. G. Shevchenko, which were banned by the censorship (p.27). For their part, the Russian revolutionary democrats also drew attention to the students of Kiev University. N. A. Dobrolyubov learned from them about the state of affairs in Ukraine. In the handwritten newspaper "Slukhi", Dobrolyubov, according to information delivered by Kiev students, described the authorities ' massacre of peasants, accompanied by the use of artillery .2The monograph describes the activities of secret societies in Kharkiv and Kiev, reveals the appearance of their leaders. One of them, M. D. Muravsky, a student of Kharkiv and then Kiev University, became a professional revolutionary, a follower of N. G. Chernyshevsky and T. G. Shevchenko. Describing the Sunday schools created by underground figures, G. I. Marakhov showed that these schools not only gave knowledge to peasants and artisans, but also encourag ...
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