To the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement
Half a century separates us from the momentous year of 1935, the middle year of the second five-year plan, the year of the birth of the Stakhanov movement. Relying on the built foundation of the socialist economy, the Soviet people then continued to fight with increasing energy for the implementation of Lenin's plan for building socialism, and selflessly worked to achieve the main and decisive economic task of the five-year plan - the completion of the reconstruction of the entire national economy, the re-equipment of its branches on the basis of new technology, the development of new enterprises and industries, and the introduction of new technical achievements.
In the second five-year plan, the Soviet people needed to achieve an expansion of social production and an increase in national wealth not only through the introduction of new production capacities, a further shift in the allocation of productive forces and an increase in the number of workers employed in the national economy, but mainly through factors of intensive development of the socialist economy: the effective use of new equipment, introduction and development of the latest technological processes; radical improvement of labor organization and steady increase in productivity growth; saving of raw materials, reducing the cost of production and improving the quality of products. By the end of the five-year period, it was necessary to ensure that about 80% of all industrial output was received from enterprises built or completely reconstructed, and to increase labor productivity in industry by 63% .1 "Labor productivity becomes a decisive factor in the implementation of the planned program for increasing production in the second five-year period," the XVII Party Congress pointed out. 2
The working class, the entire Soviet people, overcoming the fierce resistance of capitalist elements and other anti-Soviet forces, worked with great enthusiasm and an ever-increasing desire to master new technology, find new ways to increase labor productivity and increase output in all sectors of the national economy, in order to ensure the strengthening of the economic power and complete technical and economic independence of the USSR. The Communist Party united and channeled energy and creativity
1 CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. Ed. 8-E. T. 5, pp. 133, 136.
2 Ibid., p. 136.
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Soviet people to carry out these basic, decisive economic tasks.
Cadres of workers and production commanders were forged in the daily struggle for every ton of coal, oil, metal, for every new machine and unit, for putting into operation the most important facilities of new enterprises. They improved their knowledge and skills in the struggle to master a new technique. The enterprises implemented the decree of the Council of Labor and Defense of June 30, 1932 "On compulsory training of workers servicing complex aggregates, installations or mechanisms" 3; the deadline for mastering the technical minimum set by him expired in 1935. Mass technical training began in 1933, and its scope expanded significantly in 1934-1935, reaching workers in the main branches of the national economy in all the republics and regions of the country. Thanks to the creative initiative of the party and the working class, various forms of mass technical education were created: industrial and technical courses, technical study circles, technical schools, izotovskie schools, schools at the machine, socio-technical or socio - technical exams, etc. They played a significant role in preparing workers for state technical exams.
In the socialist obligations, along with the items on the implementation and over-fulfillment of the plan, one of the first places was occupied by the issues of mastering technology, the technical condition of the machine tool, equipment, tools, workplace organization, rationalization, invention, and technical study .4 Since February 1935, all industrial centers of the country began passing state technical exams for workers of leading professions; in June, 853 thousand workers, 71% of them - on "good" and "excellent", passed state technical examinations 5 . This was an important step on the way to professional mastery.
The growth of the cultural and technical level of the working class, the improvement of its material situation, the interest of the workers in increasing labor productivity, in increasing the wealth of the socialist Homeland created an unprecedented political and labor intensity of the selfless struggle to fulfill the tasks of the second five-year plan. In the mass movement for mastery of technology, in the scope of competition and striking, new methods of socialist shock labor were born on the basis of mastering new technology, skilful use of machinery and equipment, rational organization of labor and placement of the labor force. During the reconstruction period, " cadres who have mastered the technique decide everything!" - that was the main slogan of that time. The working class and the Soviet people were prepared for the mass Stakhanov movement.
It was born in the Donbass. And this is not accidental. Since the beginning of the 1930s, the coal industry has been supplied with new equipment - jackhammers, cutting machines, electric locomotives, compressors and other equipment. The jackhammer became the main tool of the miner's labor, but the average productivity of which was only 6 - 7 tons per shift (at the Ruhr mines, which occupied one of the first places not only in German, but also in world coal mining, the average productivity of labor per jackhammer was 14, and the highest - 16 - 17 tons per shift). change)6 . That's why the People's Commissar is harder-
3 Collected Laws and Orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR, 1932, No. 51, Article 311.
4 As of January 1, 1935, 72% of the workers (over 3.7 million) competed in industry. instead of 29% in 1930 (903 thousand) (Trade unions of the USSR. Doc. Vol. 2, Moscow, 1963, pp. 737-738).
5 Istoriya sotsialisticheskogo konkurentsii v SSSR [History of Socialist competition in the USSR].
6 Strumilin S. G. Izbrannye sozdaniya [Selected works], vol. 4, Moscow, 1964, pp. 51-53.
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The head of industry, G. K. Ordzhonikidze, in his report to the seventh All-Union Congress of Soviets on January 31, 1935, analyzing the work of coal miners in 1934, put the question: "What do we proceed from when we say to our coal miners: you worked well this year, you completed the program, but we need to work better? We proceed from the fact that the machines that are in their hands, that cutting machine, that jackhammer, that electric locomotive that we have, these machines are still not used as they should be... We have not yet fully mastered this technique, and we must fully master it at all costs. " 7
The speech of the People's Commissar was hotly discussed at party and economic activists. It also deeply affected the party organization of the Tsentralnaya - Irmino mine (Kadiyevsky district of Donbass). At that time, the mine barely managed to meet the plan, although it received new equipment - 95 jackhammers, 4 electric locomotives, 4 compressors and other equipment .8 The Party Trade Committee of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) K. G. Petrov has repeatedly raised the question of the need to increase the productivity of mechanisms. The Communists explained to the miners the importance of new technology, the need for more rational use of it, and showed them by personal example how to work with greater efficiency. In August 1935, at the initiative of the party committee, a competition for the best slaughterer and the best section of the mine began.
The idea of a record matured gradually. Its essence was to separate the work of the slaughterer and the fastener, to exclude the downtime of jackhammers. The question was: who is prepared for the record? The head of the Nikanor-Vostok section, N. I. Mashurov, proposed the candidacy of A. G. Stakhanov , an experienced, qualified mine worker who worked in the mine for 13 years, passed the state technical examination with "excellent" marks, and completed special courses for mine drivers, which helped him raise the shift output by 3 to 4 tons. Stakhanov enjoyed great authority at the mine, he was respected for his open, direct character, intolerant attitude towards idlers, and systematic assistance to young miners.
On August 29, Mashurov, Petrov and Stakhanov discussed how to specifically organize the work in a new way. They decided to give Stakhanov all the lava for cutting coal, and assign the fastening to two experienced crepiers-G. Borisenko and T. Shchigolev. We set the time for the record - night shift from August 30 to August 31. On that remarkable night, during 6 hours of working time, Stakhanov produced 102 tons of coal, exceeding the norm by 14 times. It was a world record. The heroes were greeted with flowers, and at the rally Petrov read out the resolution of the party committee: "The plenum of the Shakhtpartkom notes the great merit of com. Stakhanov is interested in setting a world record and believes that he achieved it because he mastered the technique of the case, managed to ride the technique and get everything useful out of it. " 9 On September 2, Pravda reported on Stakhanov's all-Union record. Meanwhile, on the night of September 3 to 4, the party trade department of the site M. D. Dyukanov issued 115 tons of coal, on September 5, the Komsomol D. M. Kontsedalov - 125 tons, and on September 9, Stakhanov-175 tons .10
The Communist Party and the Soviet Government warmly supported the initiative of Stakhanov and his followers. Ordzhonikidze wrote in a telegram to the miners of Donbass on September 12, 1935:: "This is a wonderful movement of heroes of the coal Donbass, Bolsheviks, par-
7 Ordzhonikidze G. K. Izbrannye statei i rechi [Selected Articles and Speeches], Moscow, 1945, p.337.
8 Gershberg S. R. Guide of the Communist Party to the movement of industrial innovators (1935-1941). Moscow, 1956, p. 42.
9 Petrov K. G. Zhivye sily [Living forces]. Donetsk. 1971, pp. 27-29.
10 Novatori [Innovators], Moscow, 1972, pp. 104-105.
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It is a new and brilliant proof of the enormous opportunities that we have at our disposal... Now the whole question is to use the experience of these comrades to organize work on coal mining and raise labor productivity to a new level in the entire Donbass and in all coal basins. The work of these comrades overturns all the old ideas about the production standards of the slaughterer. There is no doubt that their example will be followed by the drivers of cutting machines and electric locomotives, as well as bulk carriers and horse carriers, and engineering and technical personnel will lead and organize this business " 11 . Showing concern for the mass development of the Stakhanov movement, the People's Commissar appealed to workers in all sectors of the national economy to pick up the initiative of the miners. He pointed out the huge role of production commanders and local party and trade union organizations in this matter.
In September and October, Stakhanov's followers appeared in all branches of production. In mechanical engineering, the first Stakhanovists were A. Kh. Busygin (Gorky Automobile Plant) and I. I. Gudov (Moscow Ordzhonikidze Machine Tool Plant), among textile workers - weavers E. V. and M. I. Vinogradov (Vychug factory named after S. Ordzhonikidze). Nogina, Ivanovo region), in shoe production-N. S. Smetanin (Leningrad factory "Skorokhod"), in transport-machinist P. F. Krivonos (Donetsk railway). On October 16, the Presidium of the All-Russian Union of Labor Unions appealed to all workers, engineers, employees to join the competition for the widespread use of Stakhanov's methods: "Let's come to the XVIII anniversary of October with new thousands of Stakhanovs, Busygins, Krivonosovs, Smetanins, Vinogradovs! " 12 .
Followers of Stakhanov also appeared in agriculture: tractor drivers-P. N. Angelina, A. E. Voloshin, P. I. Kovardak, N. F. Shestopalov; combine harvesters-K. A. Borin, F. I. Kolesov, S. V. Rasputin; link operators-M. E. Efremov, M. S. Demchenko, Kh. A. Molyakova and many others. The Stakhanov movement revealed the enormous potential of the working people, their talents, abilities, will, and hard work. In this movement, Lenin's ideas of organizing socialist competition were fully manifested. The Party and its Central Committee organized the mass Stakhanov movement in all branches of the national economy. Meetings and conferences of Stakhanovites on branches of industry were of great historical significance, and especially the first All - Union meeting of Stakhanovite workers and women workers in industry and Transport convened by the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in Moscow in November 1935, which was attended by 3 thousand Stakhanovites, heads of enterprises, People's commissariats, and employees of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) and THE Council of People'S Commissars of the USSR 13 . At the December (1935) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b), G. K. Ordzhonikidze's report "Problems of heavy Industry in connection with the Stakhanov movement", reports of other People's Commissars were heard, and a program decision "Questions of Industry and Transport in connection with the Stakhanov movement"was adopted. 14 Prominent party and state figures spoke at the meeting and Plenum - A. A. Andreev, A. A. Zhdanov, I. V. Stalin and others 15 .
11 Ordzhonikidze G. K. Uk. soch., p. 373.
12 Trud. 17. X. 1935.
13 The first All-Union Conference of Stakhanovite Workers and Women Workers. November 14-17, 1935 Stenogr. otch. M. 1935.
14 CPSU in resolutions, vol. 5, pp. 231-243.
15 See: Andreev A. A. Stakhanov movement and our tasks. Speech at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on December 24, 1935, Moscow, 1935; Zhdanov A. A. Stakhanovtsy - real Bolsheviks of production, Moscow, Leningrad, 1935; Ordzhonikidze G. K. O zadachakh tyazheloi promyshlennosti i stakhanovskom dvizhenie, 2nd edition, additional edition, Moscow, 1936. In a speech at the first All-Union conference of Stakhanovites. In: Voprosy leninizma [Questions of Leninism], Moscow, 1947.
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The party documents analyzed the results of the initial stage of the Stakhanov movement, the difficulties and shortcomings of its development, summarized the practical experience of the Stakhanovites, gave a scientific assessment of the new manifestation of the creative initiative of the working class, formulated theoretical provisions on the development of socialist competition in the process of building socialism. An important contribution to the Marxist-Leninist theory of socialist competition was the conclusions about the roots, revolutionary essence and characteristics of the Stakhanov movement, about the historical significance of this new stage of socialist competition associated with new technology, about improving socialist production and increasing labor productivity in the process of advancing socialism to higher frontiers. The resolution of the December (1935) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) stated that "the Stakhanov movement is the result of all our development on the road to socialism, the result of the victory of socialism in our country"16, it was emphasized that it contributes to the growth of the cultural and technical level of the working class, breaks the old technical norms, raises labor productivity, which leads to the expansion of the front of socialist production and an increase in output, the growth of the wealth of our country and the strengthening of the position of socialism.
Directing the development of the Stakhanov movement, the party paid special attention to Lenin's principles of organizing socialist competition, and warned against getting carried away with individual records. At the first All-Union conference of Stakhanovites, the roots of the Stakhanov movement were described: the improvement of the material situation of the workers; the absence of exploitation, the high importance of social labor under socialism, its transformation into a matter of honor and glory; the presence of powerful socialist industry and new technology; the presence of cadres, the growth of their cultural and technical level, political consciousness and activity. "The industrialization of our country, the reconstruction of our factories, the availability of new machinery and equipment," the meeting emphasized, " were among the reasons that gave rise to the Stakhanov movement... The new men and women workers who had mastered the new technique were the force that shaped and moved forward the Stakhanov movement. " 17 Describing the peculiarities of the Stakhanov movement, P. P. Postyshev noted that it was the result of "a deep mastery of technology and creative search by the best people of our industry and agriculture for new methods of work, new methods of organizing labor and production" 18. N. M. Shvernik attributed the special features of the Stakhanovites, the Stakhanov movement, to the fact that "a Stakhanovite is a drummer who managed to multiply the socialist attitude to work by mastering the technique of his work... The most important feature of the Stakhanov movement is that, having mastered the technique, the Stakhanovites overturned the old norms that had become an obstacle to the growth of labor productivity, the old plans that did not take into account the opportunities created by us. " 19
The theoretical propositions and conclusions set forth in party documents, speeches of party and state leaders have become a solid methodological basis for research on the Stakhanov movement. The historiography of the problem originates in the first year of its occurrence
16 CPSU in resolutions, vol. 5, p. 232.
17 Stalin I. V. Uk. soch., pp. 500-501.
18 Postyshev P. P. Stakhanovtsy - novye ludi epokhi sotsializma [Stakhanovtsy-new people of the era of Socialism], Moscow, 1935, p. 12. The Struggle for the introduction of Stakhanov's methods of work and the Tasks of the Bolsheviks of Ukraine, Moscow, 1935.
19 Shvernik N. M. Stakhanov movement and tasks of trade unions, Moscow, 1935, pp. 7-8.
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and the development of this specific phenomenon of the Soviet, socialist economy, the creative activity of the working class of the Country of Soviets. The study of the problem went through the following main stages: from the beginning of the Stakhanov movement to the Great Patriotic War; the Great Patriotic War; the second half of the 40s-50s - the consolidation and development of socialism; the 60s-80s - the period of improvement of a developed socialist society.
Since its inception, the Stakhanov movement has attracted the attention of a wide range of public circles. Party and state figures, economists, journalists, and the Stakhanovites themselves wrote about it. At the same time, historians began to study the problem, but they did not create any major works at that time. It took time to accumulate factual material, organize it and make sense of it. In total, according to bibliographers ' calculations, 4,643 books and pamphlets were published from 1935 to 1940 .20 Even more articles and speeches were published. Books, articles, and pamphlets about the Stakhanov movement were published in Moscow and Leningrad, 21 in the Urals and Siberia, 22 in Gorky, Voronezh ,and other cities. 23 These works covered the emergence of the Stakhanov movement and its development in the 1930s, the degree of preparation of the new movement in different regions of the country, the leading role of the party in organizing mass creativity, the implementation by the working people of the decisions of the December (1935) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b), and other issues.
A number of works published in the 1930s reflect the development of the Stakhanov movement in various branches and individual enterprises of heavy and light industry .24 These publications show how the uneven development of the new initiative was gradually overcome, how it became the property of the entire Soviet people; these and other works (in particular, on the role of the Komsomol 25 ) highlighted the active role of public organizations in the preparation and dissemination of the Stakhanov movement. In the 1930s, there was already a literature that to a certain extent reflected the participation of business leaders, engineers, and scientists in the Stakhanov movement .26 We needed specific historical material that would allow researchers to draw reasonable conclusions, but at that time they did not have such data. Nevertheless, some authors, referring to some negative facts, gave a negative assessment-
20 For an in-depth study of the history of the Soviet working class. - Kommunist, 1959, N 8, p. 60.
21 Stakhanovtsy, Moscow, 1935; Stakhanov's method in action. Collection of articles Moscow-L. 1935; To new production victories. Moscow-L. 1936; Weinstein A. Voprosy stakhanovskogo dvizheniya v leningradskoi promyshlennosti [Issues of the Stakhanov Movement in Leningrad Industry], L. 1937; Sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie i opyt raboty vektronnykh stakhanovtsev-krivonosovtsev, Collection of Articles, Moscow, 1937.
22 Stakhanovtsy Magnitogorsk. Magnitogorsk. 1935; Stakhanovtsy promyshlennosti i transporta Vostochnoy Sibiri [Stakhanovites of Industry and Transport in Eastern Siberia], Moscow, Irkutsk, 1936.
23 The first Stakhanovites of the Gorky region. Gorky, 1935; The Stakhanovites of Industry on their work experience. Voronezh. 1938; and others.
24 Rudoy M. L. Stakhanovtsy mashinostroeniya. M. 1935; Stakhanovtsy stekolnoy promyshlennosti. M.-L. 1935; Stakhanovtsy vodnogo transporta. M. 1935; Stakhanovtsy Krivorozhya. M.-L. 1935; Stakhanovtsy kozhevennykh predpriiatii Gorkovskogo kraya. Gorky, 1935; Lomov G. I. Ot razdelnykh stakhanovtsev nefti k stakhanovskim promyslyam i zavodam [From individual Stakhanovites of oil to Stakhanovsky promyslyam i zavodam]. Moscow-L. 1936; Nash opyt. Sb. art. stakhanovites-metallurgists of N. Serginsky Metallurgical Plant. Sverdlovsk. 1936; Through Stakhanov brigades of light industry, Moscow, 1936; Stakhanovtsy zavody chernoy metallurgii. Rolling production, Moscow, 1939; et al.
25 Komsomol in the Stakhanov movement. Moscow, 1936; et al.
26 To the anniversary of the First All-Union meeting of Stakhanovists. Collection of art directors of Leningrad light industry enterprises. Moscow-L. 1936; Stakhanov movement and Science. - Socialist Reconstruction and Science, 1936, vol. 1; Stakhanov movement and Science. - Problems of Economics, 1938, N 5; and others.
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ku activities of managers and engineering and technical workers. Even in the 1930s, one could argue with such an assessment, since a number of pamphlets27 were written by Stakhanovites precisely in collaboration with engineering and technical workers, who not only helped them introduce new, more progressive methods of work in production, but also widely promoted them through the press.
The books and pamphlets of the initiators of the Stakhanov movement themselves are still of great importance .28 They contain a lot of factual material, interesting details, and reflections. Their life path makes it possible to trace the formation of Soviet workers, the change in their psychology, the establishment of their Marxist-Leninist worldview, the strengthening of collectivism, organization, and the strengthening of the sense of the owner of production, the owner of their country. These works are also important for understanding a number of specific issues, including those discussed above. Stakhanovites spoke convincingly and vividly about how they, in collaboration with technicians, engineers and production managers, mastered modern technology, switched to new methods of work, and broke old traditions and norms. The same publications show the concern of the party and trade unions for the Stakhanovites, as well as the difficulties and shortcomings that had to be overcome.
Thus, the mass literature published in the 1930s paved the way for the creation of scientific works on the Stakhanov movement. First, articles by major economists29 were published . They studied in the most detail such problems as the forms and methods of organizing the work of Stakhanovites, the effectiveness of their work, the relationship between moral and material incentives, improving planning, the possibility and necessity of increasing production standards, etc. A number of publications addressed the question of the role of the Stakhanov movement in planning .30 Economists were also interested in specific methods of Stakhanovite work that significantly increased labor productivity31 . The articles were followed by monographs. B. L. Markus ' research on labor problems contains special sections that reflect the development of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement .32 The author provides convincing data on the effectiveness of Stakhanov's methods of labor, analyzes individual and collective forms of movement, and shows the effectiveness of Stakhanov's work. He emphasizes that the new popular movement was a vivid embodiment of Lenin's ideas about the socialist competition of the masses.
The result of a large and fruitful work of economists on the problems of socialist competition were the monographs of I. I. Kuz-
27 Paramonov S., Balerin B. Tokar Lodchinov. L.-M. 1935; Leonidov L. Kuznets Martekhov. M.-L. 1935; Redelman A. I., Novikov V. F. Stakhanovets-tokar Likhoradov. M. 1935; Gudov I. I., Shabanov I. F. Stakhanov's methods of work in milling. M.-L. 1938, et al.
28 Stakhanov A. G. The story of my Life, Moscow, 1937; Gudov I. The Way of Stakhanovets, Moscow, 1938; Busygin A. H. Zhizn moya i moi druzhby, Moscow, 1939; Mazay M. N. Zapiski stalevara, Moscow, 1940; et al.
29 Strumilin S. G. Plan and Stakhanov movement. - Proceedings of the Moscow Planning Institute, 1936, vol. I; Kuzminov I. The Stakhanov movement and the Transition to communism. - Bolshevik, 1939, N 11-12; his New forms of the Stakhanov movement (multi-stage service and combination of professions). Ibid., 1940. N 11-12; and others.
30 Borilin B. Stakhanov movement and plan. - Planovoe khozyaistvo, 1936, N 3; Sukharevsky B. Stakhanovskoe dvizhenie i voprosy planirovaniya promyshlennosti [The Stakhanov movement and Issues of Industrial Planning]. - Ibid., No. 11; and others.
31 Zhuravlev M. R. Division and compaction of labor-powerful factors of Stakhanov productivity. - Organization of Labor, 1938, N 5.
32 Markus B. L. Trud v sotsialisticheskom obshchestve [Labor in the Socialist society], Moscow, 1939.
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minov and O. A. Ermansky 33 . Each of them examines such important aspects as the growth of the qualification of personnel who have mastered new equipment in different branches of production; technical re-equipment of industry; working methods, and the effectiveness of the achievements of Stakhanovites. Kuzminov's book shows in detail the changes that took place due to the Stakhanov movement in the coal, automobile and tractor industries, in metallurgy and machine tool construction. The author provides interesting comparative data on the work of the Stakhanovites and on the labor productivity of workers in the largest capitalist enterprises (Ford, Baty, etc.). The material given in the book on the participation of engineers, technicians, and designers in the Stakhanov movement is very valuable. This information refutes the point of view of O. A. Ermansky, that at the beginning of the movement there was no unity of action between the Stakhanovites, on the one hand, engineering and technical workers and production managers - on the other, he represented specialists as conservatives and bureaucrats. Moreover, O. A. Yermansky was also wrong about something else: he considered the Stakhanov movement as a spontaneous phenomenon, which was unexpected for many .34
In the books of the founders of the Stakhanov movement, it was emphasized that their initiatives grew on the basis of new technology and knowledge obtained from technicians, engineers, and scientists .35 This point of view was shared by historians who in the 30s began studying specific material and began to generalize it. Thus, D. Berdnikova reasonably argued that engineers and production commanders played a significant role in the emergence and development of the Stakhanov movement, especially its forms such as multi-tasking, combining professions, improving the organization of labor and production. 36 It also stressed the party's enormous role in the preparation and development of the mass movement of workers. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, historians also tried to map out the periodization of socialist competition and determine the place of the Stakhanov movement as its highest stage .37 Views on this issue were expressed by D. Berdnikova and N. Nefediev38 . However, these and many other problems of the Stakhanov movement were still poorly understood or not studied at all by the beginning of the 1940s.
During the Great Patriotic War, a new stage in the development of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement was defined, which differed from the previous ones in a number of features: changes in economic conditions in the country, the nature and directions of development of the military economy; changes in personnel employed in all spheres of the national economy, shifts in their geographical location; new goals, tasks, orientation and level of organization of socialist competition; the emergence and development of new forms of competition.-
33 Ermansky O. A. Stakhanov movement and Stakhanov methods, Moscow, 1940; Kuzminov I. I. Stakhanov movement - the highest stage of socialist competition, Moscow, 1940.
34 Ermansky O. A. Uk. soch., pp. 7, 288-289.
35 I. I. Gudov, for example, wrote that its indicators became possible only thanks to constant cooperation with the plant's engineering and technical employees (I. I. Gudov, I. F. Shibanov, Uk. soch., pp. 81-87).
36 Berdnikova D. From Communist subbotniks to the Stakhanov movement. - The Struggle of the Proletariat, 1940. N 1.
37 Eskin M. Stakhanov movement - the highest stage of socialist competition. - On the front of industrialization, 1935, N 11; his. Osnovnye puti razvitiya sotsialisticheskikh form truda [The main ways of development of socialist forms of labor], 2nd ed., add., reprint, Moscow, 1936
38 Berdnikova D. Uk. soch., pp. 154-166; Nefediev N. Istoriya vozrozhdeniya stakhanovskogo dvizheniya [History of the emergence of the Stakhanov movement]. - Historical magazine. 1941, N 1.
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and the Stakhanov movement, corresponding to the nature and level of development of production in wartime conditions. The main goal of the socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement during the war years was to mobilize the workers of various branches of the national economy to make maximum use of all the possibilities of socialist production in order to fulfill and exceed the military-economic plans and urgent orders of the front; to find and effectively use production reserves to increase the output of military products and meet the primary needs of the army and the population of the country.
The Stakhanov movement in the extreme conditions of war proved its powerful vitality, was further developed and enriched with new forms. The war tore out thousands of the leading workers of production who were at the origins of the Stakhanov movement, but in the first days of the war, the ranks of the Stakhanovites and shock workers were filled with new workers - women and young people who replaced those who had gone to the front. The accumulated experience of the Stakhanov movement opened up opportunities to increase production even in war conditions, with fewer employees. Learning the experience of Stakhanov's high-performance labor directly at the machine tools and in Stakhanov's schools, under the guidance of masters, foremen, and experienced workers, new cadres in difficult working conditions and everyday life of the wartime mastered Stakhanov's methods in a short time and enriched them, working selflessly for the front, for victory over the enemy.
In the military situation, the mass movements of multi - hundred, two-hundred, three-hundred, five-hundred and thousand-year-olds, Stakhanovists-speeders, the Leninist movement, the movement for combining professions, Stakhanovists-innovators and inventors became widespread. The names of wartime Stakhanovites became widely known: milling machine operator D. F. Bosov, turner P. E. Shirshov, speed drillers A. I. Semivosy, I. P. Yankin, S. I. Eremenko, G. G. Khaydin, speed steelworkers V. M. Amosov, N. H. Bazetov, M. V. Burkatsky, D. D. Sidorovsky, A. S. Pozdnyakov A. Ya. Chalkov, zaboyschikov P. K. Podzharov, F. V. Mironov, blacksmith E. V. Kuratov, turner P. K. Spekhov, organizers of Komsomol youth front-line brigades of tank builders M. F. Popov, V. F. Shubin, initiators of new methods of collective Stakhanov work in factories-E. G. Baryshnikova, E. P. Agarkov, on shock military construction sites - V. F. Shalaev, foremen of women's tractor brigades P. N. Angelina, D. M. Garmash, locomotive drivers N. A. Lunin, A. P. Papavin, E. M. Chukhnyuk and tens of thousands of other Stakhanovites. The competition covered 84.2% of workers, Stakhanovites and drummers among the competitors there were from 50.5 to 57.9%39 . In all branches of the national economy, the Stakhanovites, using their technical skills and improving their working methods, broke the old norms, opened up new reserves, and sought to increase output for the front.
Literature about the Socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement of the war years is represented in historiography primarily by books, pamphlets, articles, and collections written in the wake of recent events. The main attention was paid in these works to the disclosure of the features of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement in the conditions of war, its new forms and methods, generalization of their valuable experience and its implementation in various branches of the national economy. The authors, as in previous years, were mainly party and state organizations.-
39 Trade Unions of the USSR, vol. 3, Moscow, 1963, p. 372.
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public figures, heads of enterprises, trade unions, and Komsomol organizations, engineers and workers, journalists, as well as specialists in economics and historians.
In the works of the leaders of the All-Union Center for Social Development N. M. Shvernik, V. V. Kuznetsov 40 , researchers S. R. Gershberg, G. N. Evstafiev, N. I. Matyushkin and others 41, the goals, tasks and experience of socialist competition in war conditions, new forms and methods of high-performance labor for the front were highlighted, data on the number of competitors were given, names were mentioned Stakhanovites and udarnikov, the essence of new effective methods was revealed, their significance for the development of the military economy was explained. Many articles have been published on various problems of competition in wartime conditions .42 In addition, small collections were published, which grouped the most important articles and materials on the development of the competition, on the experience of Stakhanovites and drummers of the war years by branches of the national economy and individual regions .43 Pamphlets and articles about the Stakhanov movement were also published. They discussed its traditions, ways of development in military conditions, revealed its new tasks, the essence and significance of new forms and methods of work, summarized the experience of the Stakhanovites accumulated in wartime, and outlined practical ways to spread it.
The first such pamphlets about the Stakhanov movement in wartime conditions were published in the harsh days of 1941.44 . They told about the rise of the Stakhanov movement in various branches of the national economy in the first months of the war, about the need to spread the experience of Stakhanovists among new workers and the use of Stakhanov methods to increase output by a smaller number of workers, about introducing the experience of Stakhanovists-speed workers, about developing the initiative of Stakhanovists, inventors and innovators to save fuel, raw materials, and materials. I. I. Kuzminov highlighted the ways of development, the essence and material results of the movement of two-hundred men, three-hundred men, Komsomol youth front-line brigades, the Luninsky movement in industry, agriculture, and transport. On the development of the Stakhanov movement and its forms in various branches of the national economy-
40 Shvernik N. M. The Year of the All-Union Socialist Competition, Moscow, 1943; Kuznetsov V. V. On the work of trade union organizations on further development of the All-Union Socialist Competition, Moscow, 1944. Two Years of All-Union Socialist Competition, in Aid of Factory and Local Committees, 1944, N 5-6; and others.
41 Gershberg S. Vsesoyuznoe sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie i oborona Rodiny [All-Union Socialist Competition and Defense of the Motherland]. All-Union Socialist Competition and Defense of the Motherland. Moscow, 1943; Evstafyev G. N. Sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie - istochnik rosta ekonomicheskoi i voennoi moshti SSSR [Socialist competition as a source of Growth in the Economic and military Power of the USSR].
42 Kuzminov I. National socialist competition is a powerful force. - Propagandist, 1942, N 9; Pozdeev P. National socialist competition and agitation and propaganda work. - Ibid., N 7-8; Pluzhnikov M. S. Socialist competition in professions (Kolomna Machine-building Plant named after V. V. Kuibyshev), Moscow, 1943; Forms and methods of socialist competition. - Party Construction, 1943, No. 8; Akimov I. N. The second year of the All-Union Socialist competition of textile workers. - Textile industry, 1943, N 6; Kozlova O. Leadership of the district committee of the socialist competition. - Party Construction, 1943, No. 8; etc.
43 The All-Union Socialist competition is a powerful source of strengthening the military power of the USSR. M. 1942; More weapons, more ammunition! M. 1942; More non-ferrous metals for war and victory! M. 1942; Each ton of metal - a new blow to the enemy. M. 1942; Rear and front compete. Ivanovo. 1942; For 1000 hectares on a tractor. M. 1944.
44 By heroic labor we multiply the forces of the front M. 1941; Gershberg S. Stakhanovtsy-assistants to the Red Army. M. 1941.
45 Kuzminov I. Stakhanov movement in the period of the Patriotic War, Moscow, 1942.
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a significant number of pamphlets and articles have been published .46 Many works summarized the experience of high-performance work of Stakhanovites and drummers 47 . The history of the origin of the Stakhanov movement and its development in the 1930s during the war period has hardly been studied, and only a few articles have been published on this topic .48 In addition, almost all the works about the Stakhanov movement published during the war years were of a journalistic nature. But they were full of factual material, valuable observations, conclusions, and assessments, and thus formed the basis for studying this important stage of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement.
A new stage in the development of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement began after the Great Patriotic War. In the conditions of the peaceful development and consolidation of socialism, the socialist emulation and the Stakhanov movement became even more widespread and widespread. Drawing on the experience of the pre-war and war years, the Stakhanovites and Udarniki were at the forefront of labor collectives, solving complex problems of restoring the national economy, achieving recovery in all spheres of the economy.
The idea of collective Stakhanov's work, which was put forward in the period of the movement's formation, found an increasing number of supporters among the workers. On a new basis, high-speed metal smelting according to the method of M. N. Mazai, the movement for the mass introduction of the cyclic method of coal mining and the creation of complex teams in mines, the competition for reducing the cost of coal, started in the Donbass on the initiative of the team of miners A. A. Kolchik, N. Ya. Mamai, for the introduction of new methods of high-speed sinking in the mining industry, N. N. Minzaripova, I. N. Pronichkina. At the enterprises of mechanical engineering and metalworking, multi-stage maintenance, high-speed modes of operation of machines, machine tools, equipment were introduced according to the method of turners G. S. Bortkevich, P. B. Bykov and other Stakhanovites. The movement for collective Stakhanov's work was expanded and improved, initiated by N. A. Rossiysky, V. I. Matrosov, A. S. Chutkikh, F. L. Kovalev, V. G. Blazhenov, A. A. Ulesov and others. Rural machine operators, following the example of P. N. Angelina, K. A. Borin, D. M. Garmash, V. A. Gitalov, M. E. Dovzhik, and V. A. Svetlichny, achieved high output on tractors and combine harvesters. The socialist emulation and the Stakhanov movement spread to all branches of the national economy of the country.
The literature of the second half of the 1940s and 1950s reflected the main trends, features, and forms of development of the Stakhanov movement during the post-war five-year plans. The study of socialist emancipation and the Stakhanov movement at this time underwent noticeable changes. The problems of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement have become one of the leading ones in the plans for the preparation of the National Assembly.-
46 Vakhrushev V. Stakhanovtsy ugolnoy promyshlennosti [Stakhanovites of the coal industry]. - Bolshevik, 1941, N 21; Shelekhov N. Stakhanov's work in the days of the Patriotic War. - Planovoe khozyaistvo, 1941, NN 6-7; Stakhanovtsy voennogo vremya, Moscow, 1942; Novoe v stakhanovskoe dvizheniye na transporte v period Otechestvennoy voyny, Moscow, 1942; Stakhanovskie metody formirovaniya poezdov, Moscow, 1944; Marinin I. Moguchaya sila stakhanavskogo dvizhenie [New Stakhanov movement in Transport during the Patriotic War]. Sputnik agitatora, 1944, NN 15-16; Ssheverov G. Front-line brigades, Moscow, 1944; Their work serves the Motherland. Work experience of youth brigades, Moscow, 1945; and others.
47 Bosyi D. Moi metod raboty [My method of work], Moscow-Sverdlovsk, 1942; Saekhov P. Kak we train new workers, Moscow, 1942; Kazantsev M. A. Planovyi remont puti brigadami puteobkhodchikov, Moscow, 1943; Garmash D. Kak we achieved primacy in competition. - MTS, 1943, N 3; Masters of train movement, Moscow, 1944; Stakhanov A. G. Vozrodim rodnoy Donbass, Moscow, 1944; Shashkov A. G. Put brigady, Moscow, 1944; Kirgashina A. Moi opyt raboty na traktorom i kombayne. - MTS, 1945, NN 1-2; and others.
48 Nefediev N. Uk. soch.; Tarasov M. Ten years of the Stakhanov movement. - Sputnik agitator, 1945, N 15.
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scientists, historians, and economists. At the same time, the study of new phenomena in the development of socialist competition and the Stakhanov movement was launched.
In the second half of the 1940s and especially in the 1950s, generalizing works on the history of socialist competition were published .49 They considered its general laws as a driving force for the development of Soviet society, the peculiarities of competition at various stages of socialist construction, the emergence and development of the Stakhanov movement, and new forms of high-performance labor. Many articles were devoted to the problems of competition, dealing with various historical periods in the all-Union and regional terms; they reflected the issues of the Stakhanov movement and new forms of labor competition .50 Pamphlets were published on the party's organizational activities aimed at mobilizing the labor activity of the masses and developing social competition and the Stakhanov movement .51 A number of articles have also been written on this topic .52
In the 1950s, there were noticeable shifts in the study of the emergence and development of the Stakhanov movement in the 1930s. The historiography was supplemented with a generalizing work that reveals various aspects of the Communist Party's activities in leading the movement of industrial innovators .53 The authors published articles based on archival materials that investigated the origin and development of the Stakhanov movement in various regions of the country .54 Published
49 Changli I. I. Sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie - dvizhayushchaya sila razvitiya sovetskogo obshchestva [Socialist competition as a driving force in the development of Soviet society]. Socialist Competition and new forms of Communist Labor, Moscow, 1959; Evstafyev G. N. Socialist competition - the regularity and driving force of the economic development of Soviet society, Moscow, 1952; Maslova N. Socialist Competition - a powerful lever for Building Communism, Moscow, 1952; et al.
50 Gershberg S. R. All-Union socialist competition of industrial workers in 1942. - Questions of history, 1955, N 5; Mitrofanov A.V. heroic Labor of the working class in the year of radical change in the great Patriotic war. In: Istoricheskie zapiski, vol. 50; Kovyrshin N. P. Iz istorii sotsialisticheskogo konkurentsii v Shakhtinskom rayon Donbasa [From the History of Socialist competition in the Shakhty district of Donbass]. - Scientific notes of the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute, 1956, vol. 1; Yezhov V. A. Sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie shakhterov Donbasa v 1943-1944 gg. - Nauchnye doklady vysshey shkoly, istoricheskie nauki, Moscow, 1958, N 4; et al.
51 Podvigina E. P. Partiya - organizator trudovogo podvizheniya v borbe za razvitiya tyazheloi industrii [The Party - organizer of labor Recovery in the Struggle for the Development of Heavy Industry]. Moscow, 1957; Khromov S. S. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union-inspirer and organizer of the struggle of the Soviet people for the successful implementation of the Fifth Five-year Plan. Material for the lecture, Moscow, 1957; et al.
52 Fomicheva M. P. Party organizations of heavy industry enterprises of Ukraine at the head of the socialist competition during the third Five-year plan. - Scientific notes of Kharkiv University, 1953, vol. 103; Mitrofanova A.V. The Communist Party-inspirer and organizer of the All-Union Socialist competition of the Working class of the USSR in 1942. In: Historical Notes, vol. 51; Ivanov A. G. From the experience of party leadership of socialist competition at heavy industry enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region during the Third Five-year Plan. In: From the History of the revolutionary movement and Socialist Construction in the Southern Urals. Chelyabinsk. 1959; and others.
53 Gershberg S. R. Leadership of the Communist Party by the movement of Industrial Innovators (1935-1941).
54 Seletsky V. The beginning of the Stakhanov movement in Leningrad (September-November 1935). - Voprosy istorii, 1951, N 11; Aleksandrova T. S. Iz istorii stakhanovskogo dvizheniya na predprinimatel'nosti Moskvy (1935 - 1937). - Uchenye zapiski AON pri TSK CPSU, 1957, vol. 29; her own. From the history of the development of new technology by Moscow workers during the second five-year plan. - History of the USSR, 1957, N 2; Balakin P. F. Innovative movement in the pre-war years. - Proceedings of the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, Sverdlovsk, 1959, vol. 3; Akhmedov Sh. The emergence and development of the movement of innovators in the industry of Tajikistan during the second five-year plan (1933-1937). - Scientific Notes of the Leninabad Pedagogical Institute, 1959, vol. 9. Petrova A. A. The emergence and development of the Stakhanov movement in the Tatar industry in the second five-year plan. - Trudy Kazanskogo khimiko-tekhnologicheskogo instituta, 1959, vol. 22; and others.
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There are many pamphlets, articles ,and collections about the new initiatives of the Stakhanovites in the post-war five-year plans and the role of collective Stakhanov labor in solving the most important tasks of restoring the national economy, achieving the pre-war economic level of the country, and further raising the socialist economy. 55 New methods of Stakhanov's labor were highlighted 56 . A series of books written by Stakhanovites 57 has been published .
In the 60s and 80s, as the country entered the period of developed socialism, the study of the problems of the Stakhanov movement took on a complex, multidimensional character. The tasks set out by the Communist Party and the Soviet State for the effective development of the economy on the basis of scientific and technological progress, the improvement of socialist industrial relations and the education of a new person determined the problems of further research. Along with studying the main industrial and economic function of the Stakhanov movement, important socio-political aspects and problems were also developed: the role of the Stakhanov movement in educating a new person, forming the Soviet way of life, strengthening the friendship of the peoples of the USSR, rallying the working class and peasantry, etc.
Attention to the study of the experience of the Stakhanov movement has noticeably increased. In 1975, an All-Union scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement was held in Moscow, where its initiators M. I. Vinogradova, P. F. Krivonos, and K. G. Petrov spoke. The greeting of the Central Committee of the CPSU emphasized: "The Stakhanov movement is one of the brightest manifestations of the creative courage and daring work of the Soviet people." 58 The publication of the materials of this conference did not contribute to the further development of the topic. On March 15, 1979, the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution "On the 50th anniversary of the First Five - Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR"60 . On April 12-14, the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of mass socialist Competition was held in Leningrad. The reports and reports traced the stages of its development, considered the Stakhanov movement 61 .
The journal "Socialist Competition", which has been published regularly since 1975, as well as special courses and seminars on the development of socialist competition in the USSR, contributed to the intensification of the study of the Stakhanov movement. The state of the study of the Stakhanov movement is presented in monographs and articles that examine the historiography of socialist competition in the USSR (with a significant place given to the analysis of literature published in the 30s-60s), and some results of the study of the problem of Stakhanovism are summarized. -
55 Romanov P. P., Shubnikov K. V. Stakhanovtsy mashinostroeniya. L. 1949; Innovators of socialist production. M. 1951; Changli I., Netto A. Znamenosets kollektivnogo truda (About people and affairs of the Kalibr plant). M. 1951; Innovators-steelworkers of our Motherland. M. 1952; et al.
56 Borisov A. Metod raboty tokar G. S. Bortkevich [Method of work of the turner G. S. Bortkevich]. L. 1948; Sytina T. G. Vladimir Voroshin (Trekhgornaya manufaktura). M. 1952; et al.
57 Minzaripov N., Pronichkin I. On bauxite mines, Moscow, 1947; Chutkikh A. S. Brigade of excellent quality, Moscow, 1949; Kovalez F. L. Nash metod izucheniya i massovogo vnedreniya stakhanovskogo opyt raboty (Fabrika "Proletarskaya pobeda"), Moscow, 1949; Rossiyskiy N. A. Trud i mir, Moscow, 11952. Bykov P. B. The path to happiness, Moscow, 1952; Yakimenko S. S. Each melting point is a high - speed one, Moscow, 1952; Pereverzev N. V. The Word of a Steelworker. Donetsk, 1959; and others.
58 Pravda, 23. IX. 1975.
59 Socialist competition: experience, problems. Proceedings of the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement (September 23-25, 1975). Moscow, 1975.
60 Handbook of a party worker. Issue 20, Moscow, 1980, pp. 189-196.
61 The Creative Power of Socialist Competition: Based on the materials of the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference in Leningrad (April 12-14, 1979). Moscow, 1979.
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khanty movement 62 . Questions of the development of the Stakhanov movement are reflected in the multi-volume "History of the CPSU", "History of the USSR: from ancient times to the present day", " History of the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945", " History of the Second World War. 1939-1945" and in other generalizing studies. The development of the problems of the Stakhanov movement was facilitated by works on the history of the working class of the U.S.S.R. 63 and its regional detachments. 64 Of particular importance is the publication of the second and third volumes of the History of the Soviet Working Class, 65 which comprehensively address the emergence and development of the Stakhanov movement in the second half of the 1930s, on the eve of and during the Great Patriotic War, its historical experience, and international significance. The problems of the Stakhanov movement are thoroughly covered in collective works on the history of the working class of national republics .66 These works contain a wealth of material that makes it possible to determine the significance of specific conditions for the emergence of the Stakhanovite movement, to identify its characteristic features and specific features in the national regions of the country. You can learn about the followers of A. G. Stakhanov in individual enterprises from books on the history of factories and plants 67, which contain materials about the development of the Stakhanov movement, the work of party and public organizations to promote the best practices of innovators, the best Stakhanov enterprises. Many books and pamphlets have been published about the innovators of production, including the Stakhanovites of the 1930s and 1940s .68
62 Oprishchenko A. L. Historiography of the socialist competition of the working class of the USSR. Kharkiv, 1975; Vorozheikin I. E. Ocherki istoriografii rabochego klassa SSSR [Essays on the historiography of the working class of the USSR], Moscow, 1975; Kasyanenko V. I. Letopis vsenarodnogo dvizheniya. - Socialist Competition, 1976, N 6; Kalakura Ya. S. Rogachevskaya L. S. Party leadership by Socialist Competition (Historiographical review). - Voprosy istorii CPSU, 1978, N 8; imi. Deepening the topic and trends that have not been overcome. - Socialist Competition, 1980, No. 2; and others.
63 Mitrofanova A.V. The Working Class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1971; Senyavsky S. L. Telpukhovsky V. B. The working Class of the USSR (1938-1965), Moscow, 1971; The Soviet Working Class A brief historical sketch (1917-1973), Moscow, 1975; Drobizhev V. Z., Lelchuk V. S. Our Soviet Worker klass (1917 - 1977), Moscow, 1979; Smirnov A.V. The main source of our strength. Workers of Industry of the USSR, 1945-1970, Moscow, 1984; et al.
64 History of the workers of Leningrad. Vols. 1-2. L. 1972; History of the workers of Donbass. Vols. 1-2. Kiev, 1981; The working Class of Siberia during the construction of socialism (1917-1937). Novosibirsk. 1982; Istoriya rabochikh Moskvy (1917-1945 gg.), Moscow, 1983; et al.
65 The working class is the leading force in building a socialist society. 1921-1937 Vol. 2. Moscow, 1984; The Working Class of the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War. 1938-1945, vol. 3. Moscow, 1984.
66 History of the working class of Uzbekistan. Vols. 1-3. Tashkent, 1964-1966; History of the Soviet working class of Kyrgyzstan. Frunze. 1966; History of the working class of Soviet Turkmenistan. 1917-1965. Ashgabat. 1969; History of the working class of Tajikistan. Dushanbe. 1972; Essays on the history of the working class of the Azerbaijan SSR. Tt. 1-2. Baku. 1974, 1977; Repida L. E. The role of the working class in the construction of socialism in the Moldavian SSR. Chisinau. 1977; Natmeladze M. V. Istoriya rabochego klassa Gruzii [History of the Working Class of Georgia], vol. 2, 1921-1941. Tbilisi. 1981; and others.
67 To work and feat. Pages of the history of the Mytishchi Machine-building Plant, Moscow, 1976; "Krasny Vyborgets". History of the Leningrad Production Association for the processing of Non-ferrous metals. Leningrad 1978; Leningrad Crane Builders. Leningrad 1979; History of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V. I. Lenin. Moscow 1979; Pervenets sovetskogo traktorostroeniya. History of the Volgograd Tractor plant named after F. E. Dzerzhinskiy. Volgograd, 1980; Chronicle of labor feat. Kuibyshev, 1981; Smithy of Steppe ships. History of the Novosibirsk production Association "Sibselmash", Moscow, 1983; Our "Proletarian" is 100 years old. History of the Moscow Production Association "Proletarii", Moscow, 1983 and others; see also Mitrofanova A.V., Ostapenko I. P., Rogachevskaya L. S. Results and tasks of studying the history of factories and plants of the USSR. Voprosy istorii, 1982, No. 1.
68 Innovators. Pioneers. Essays. M. 1980; Kostyukovsky V. Zhizn tkachikhi Sapunova. M. 1980; Rabochaya entsiklopediya. 1928-1980 years. L. 1982; Mentors. Sb. M. 1983; Orlov V. A. My friends, tunnelers. Ulan-Ude. 1983; Heroes of Socialist Labor-Gorky residents. Gorky, 1984; and others.
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Significant changes that took place in historical science in the 70s and 80s were reflected in the study of the problems of socialist competition. Generalizing works on this topic appeared. 69 The textbook "Organization of Socialist Competition" was created (Moscow, 1980). These publications contain rich material on the history of the Stakhanov movement, determine its place and role in the development of competition, and identify general and specific features of this form of popular movement. This kind of work was also done by historians in the national republics. A comparative analysis of these studies makes it possible to identify common and special features in the development of the Stakhanov movement in different regions of the country70 .
A significant number of works are devoted specifically to the problems of the Stakhanov movement. Among them are works of the all-Union plan, and regional publications of various kinds (on large industrial centers, on branches of production, memoirs of Stakhanovites, etc.). Historians focus on the party leadership of the Stakhanov movement 71 . The materials presented by them reveal the tremendous work of party organizations in spreading and generalizing the experience of the Stakhanovites, the support of party bodies for innovators of production, and show that communists everywhere led the Stakhanov movement, and their loyal assistant was the Lenin Komsomol. There is also a special literature on its role 72 . The issue of trade unions ' participation in this nationwide cause has begun to be studied .73 Interest-
69 Alekseev G. P. et al. Socialist Competition in the USSR Industry, Moscow, 1973; Rogachevskaya L. S. Socialist competition in the USSR. Historical essays. 1917-1970 Moscow, 1977; Vorozheikin I. E. Chronicle of labor heroism. Brief history of Socialist competition in the USSR, Moscow, 1979, 2nd ed., supplement 1984; History of Socialist Competition in the USSR, Moscow, 1980; Problems of Socialist Competition: Theory and Experience, Moscow, 1984; et al.
70 Essays on the development of socialist competition in the Urals. 1919-1967 Sverdlovsk. 1970; Beknazarov N. Development of socialist competition in Uzbekistan. Tashkent. 1970; Shklyar E. N. CPB-organizer of the socialist competition in the republic's industry. Minsk. 1974; CPSU-organizer and leader of the socialist competition in the industry of Ukraine. Kharkiv, 1975; Chymylova B. D. History of the development of socialist competition in the industry of Kyrgyzstan. Frunze. 1977; Gudzenko P. G., Kulchitsky S. V., Shatalin SP. Labor initiatives of the working class. 1921-1937 (based on the materials of the Ukrainian SSR). Kiev, 1980; Akhmedov Sh. Socialist competition in Tajikistan. 1938-1965 Dushanbe. 1982; and others.
71 Khabibulina R. Ya. Leningrad Communists-organizers of the Stakhanov movement. 1936-1937. L. 1961; Lebedeva N. B. Party leadership of the Socialist competition: history and modernity. Activity of the Leningrad Party Organization for the development of socialist Competition in Industry. L. 1979; Voropai A. P. Party leadership of the Stakhanov movement at heavy industry enterprises of the Middle and Western Urals during the Second Five-year plan. In: Party organizations of the Urals in the Years of Socialist Construction. Sverdlovsk. 1971; Prozorov V. P. Communists of the chemical industry of the Urals at the head of the Stakhanov movement (1935-1937). In: From the history of party organizations in the Urals. Sat, 2. Sverdlovsk. 1973; Unpelev G. A. Party leadership of the Stakhanov movement in the Far East (1935-1937). In: XXIV Congress of the CPSU and history, prospects for the development of productive forces of the Far East. Vladivostok. 1973; Ponomareva M. N. Party leadership of the Stakhanov movement in Altai during the pre-war Five-year plans. In: From the history of Altai. Tomsk. 1978; and others.
72 Reznik A. A. Leninsky Komsomol-an active assistant to the party in organizing the Stakhanov movement in the USSR. - Proceedings of the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics, 1974, vol. 99; Larina V. I. Party organizations of the Far East at the head of the Socialist Youth Competition during the Second Five-year Plan. 1933-1937 In: Velikiy Oktyabr i molodezhi [Great October and Youth], Moscow, 1978; et al.
73 Kazakov E. E. Activity of trade unions of Kuzbass on the development of the Stakhanov movement during the second five-year plan. In: Essays on the socio-economic and cultural life of Siberia. 2. Novosibirsk. 1972; Gulyamov A. G. The emergence of the Stakhanov movement in Uzbekistan and the role of trade unions in its development (1935-1937) - Scientific works of the Tashkent University, 1973, issue 441.
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Data on the role of specialists in the organization and development of the Stakhanov movement are presented 74 . Works on the activities of the party and Soviet press in disseminating the experience of the Stakhanovites are of great importance .75
All these publications allow us to draw conclusions about the enormous work of party, trade union and Komsomol organizations, engineering and technical workers, and economic workers, and about the role of the press in the widespread spread of the Stakhanov movement. This is also evidenced by the results of its study in national republics 76 and various branches of the national economy 77 . Thus, the concepts of those specialists of the 1930s who claimed that the Stakhanov movement was spontaneous in nature, that the Stakhanovites had to struggle with extreme difficulties, were once again refuted. This is also confirmed by other publications that contain specific material about the preparation and timeliness of the Stakhanov movement .78 The same conclusion is drawn as a result of studying the objective and subjective factors of the development of socialist competition, the conditions of the origin of the Stakhanov movement, and its roots .79
A significant step forward was made in the study of the Stakhanov movement during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. At the same time, Stakhanov's wartime-specific methods of work 80 are considered, the directions of the Stakhanov movement in the years of the fourth five-year plan, and its collective forms 81 are analyzed .
74 Volkov V. S. Party leadership involving industrial specialists in the Stakhanov movement (1936-1937). In: Intelligentsia i razvitie proizvoditel'nykh sil sotsialisticheskogo obshchestva, L. 1976.
75 Kasymbekov Zh. I. The role of the party press in the development of socialist competition in the industry of Uzbekistan during the second and third Five-year Plans, 1933-1941. In: From the history of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 1973; Somov A. G. From the experience of the party-Soviet press in the development of the Stakhanov movement. In: Leninist Principles of Party Propaganda and Agitation. Bitter. 1978; and others.
76 Omorov M. From the history of the emergence of the innovative movement in the industry of Kyrgyzstan. - Scientific notes of the Historical Faculty of the Kyrgyz University, 1966, vol. 9; Nabieva R. Women of Tajikistan-active participants of innovation and the Stakhanov movement in industry in the second five-year plan. - Proceedings of the Tajik University, series of Historical Sciences, 1966, vol. 2; Jesmajian K. N. The history of the development of socialist competition in Moldova (the Activity of the Communist party of Moldova in the development of socialist competition in 1924 - 1940). Chisinau. 1974; Yunaeva V. D. Razvitie sotsialisticheskogo konkurentsii v promyshlennosti Dagestanskoi ASSR v gody vtoroi pyatiletki (1933-1937 gg.) [Development of socialist competition in the industry of the Dagestan ASSR during the Second Five - year Plan (1933-1937)]. In: Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie i kul'turnye transformatsii v Dagestan, Moscow, 1977.
77 Volchenko A.V. On the movement of industrial production innovators in Kuzbass (1935-1941). In: From the history of the working class in Kuzbass. Collection of articles Issue 3. Kemerovo. 1968; Zavarzin V. G. On the origin and development of the Stakhanov movement in the mining enterprises of Transbaikalia. - Scientific Notes of the Chita Pedagogical Institute, 1971, vol. 22; Unpelev A. G. The role of political departments and party organizations of the fishing industry of the Far East in the development of socialist competition (1933-1941). In: History of Far Eastern party organizations of the period of socialist Construction (1922-1972). Vladivostok. 1974; Kerimbekova A. Development of socialist competition on the Azerbaijan Railway during the pre-war Five-year plans. In: Actual problems of the economic history of Azerbaijan. Baku. 1978.
78 Dunin V., Proskura V. Shagnikov. M. 1972; Likholobova Z. G. Step of innovators. Historical sketch. Donetsk, 1976.
79 Vorozheikin I. E. Uk. soch.; Rogachevskaya L. S. Uk. soch.
80 Mitrofanova A.V. The working class of the Soviet Union in the First Period of the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1942. Moscow, 1960; her. Rabochy klass SSSR v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny [The working Class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War], Moscow, 1971; Morekhina G. G. Rabochy klass frontu, Moscow, 1962; Kumanev G. A. Sovetskie zheleznodorozhniki v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny, Moscow, 1963. In the service of the front and rear. M. 1976.
81 Ezhov V. A. Workers of Leningrad in the post-war years (1946-1950). L. 1968; Poletaev V. E. Workers of Moscow at the final stage of construction of socialism. 1945-1958 Moscow, 1967; Utenkov A. Y. CPSU-organizer and head of the socialist competition in industry in the post-war years. 1946-1950, Moscow 1970; et al.
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These and other publications made changes in the periodization of the Stakhanovite movement, expanding its chronological framework: 1935-1950. (it is possible that in the future historians, having discovered new factual data, will push back its final boundary). In the development of the Stakhanov movement, the following stages are distinguished: 1935-1937 - its emergence and development during the second five - year plan; 1938-1941 - its development in the third five - year plan; 1941-1945 - Stakhanov's methods of work during the Great Patriotic War; 1946-1950 - new forms of the Stakhanov movement in the post - war period.
In the 60s and 80s, the efficiency of Stakhanovites ' work and methods of organizing their labor were studied. 82 However, insufficient attention was still paid to the problems of the influence of the Stakhanov movement on the overall performance of the entire enterprise. There are no special works on moral and material incentives for Stakhanov's work. Although this topic is very relevant, it is only reflected in general research.
New editions of the memoirs of the first Stakhanovites 83 and books about innovators of the 1930s and 1940s made a great contribution to the expansion of knowledge about the Stakhanov movement . They often contain new material that will help to reveal more fully the change in the social image of working people, to study the evolution of their psychology, the development of their sense of ownership of socialist production, the process of establishing collectivism and organization. R. Y. Khabibulina's research joins this group of works 85 . The data presented by the author confirm the conclusions about the relationship and mutual influence of the cultural and technical level of advanced workers and their innovative working methods.
Special works are devoted to the problem of forming a new social image of young workers 86 . The authors consider the issues of moral education of Stakhanovites, their views on art and literature, fashion and clothing, etc. As the study of the Stakhanov movement deepens, the problems of ideological, political, labor and moral education of Stakhanovites occupy an increasing place in research. These issues were widely discussed at the conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement. The study of the educational function of the Stakhanov movement is closely connected with the study of its influence on the formation of the socialist way of life. The works of E. I. Kapustin, V. I. Kasyanenko, and I. I. Changli outline the main aspects of this topic that need to be thoroughly elaborated , as well as the influence of the Stakhanov movement on strengthening the friendship of peoples and educating workers in the spirit of internationalism. Now that significant material has been collected, it is possible to comprehend such complex tasks.
82 Novozhilov S. Stakhanov movement and development of advanced methods of labor organization. - Sotsialisticheskiy trud, 1975, No. 12; etc.
83 Mazay M. Zapiski stalevara [Notes of a steelworker], Izd. 2-E. M. 1967; Busygin A. Kh. Soversheniya [Achievements], Moscow, 1972; Gudov I. I. Sud'ba rabochego [The fate of the worker]. Ed. 2-E. M. 1974; Petrov K. G. Uk. soch.; Stakhanov A. G. Zhizn shakhterskaya. Kyiv. 1975; and others.
84 Innovators; Pioneers; Gershberg S. R. Stakhanov and Stakhanovtsy. Moscow 1981; Mentors; et al.
85 Khabibulina R. Ya. Experience of comparative analysis of the composition of Stakhanovites and participants of the movement for communist attitude to labor. In: The Working Class of the USSR at the present stage. Issue 9. L. 1982.
86 Social image of working youth. Based on the materials of sociological surveys in 1936 and 1972, M. 1980; Lebina N. B. From generation to generation. Historical and sociological portrait of a young Leningrad worker, L. 1983.
87 Changli I. I. Formation of a communist attitude to work-the main thing in improving the socialist way of life. In: Sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie: opyt, problemy [Socialist Competition: experience, Problems]. And the Socialist Way of Life: an Economic Aspect, Moscow, 1976; Kasyanenko V. I. Konkurentanie i formirovanie sovetskogo obraza zhizni [Competition and formation of the Soviet way of life]. In: Problems of Socialist Competition: Theory and Experience, Moscow, 1984.
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processes such as the influence of the Stakhanov movement on the elimination of essential differences between mental and physical labor, between urban and rural areas, the formation of an alliance between the working class and the peasantry, and the development of a community of workers and engineering and technical workers.
On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement, the advanced workers of our country launched the remarkable initiative "50 shock weeks for the glorious Stakhanov anniversary". Workers stand on labor shifts, repeating and multiplying the achievements of their fathers and grandfathers, responding to the call of the April (1985) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which put forward as a priority the task of accelerating the socio-economic development of the country by introducing the latest achievements of science and technology into production, increasing the productivity of social labor. M. S. Gorbachev emphasized this idea at a meeting in the Central Committee of the CPSU in June 1985: "We will have to carry out a new technical reconstruction of the national economy, qualitatively transform the material and technical base of society. The solution of this problem is an urgent matter, a matter of general party and national concern. And it must be solved in the shortest possible historical time, ensuring that the country reaches the forefront in labor productivity and economic efficiency. This goal can only be realized by intensifying production based on the latest achievements in science and technology. " 88
Drawing on the long-term experience of selfless labor in the name of increasing the social wealth of the socialist Motherland, the Soviet people, under the leadership of the party, are developing a creative search for ways to maximize the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. The experience of the Stakhanov movement is particularly valuable in solving this problem. The study of its history should help organize socialist competition at the present stage.
88 Mikhail Gorbachev fundamental question of economic policy of the party. Report at a meeting of the Central Committee of the CPSU on accelerating scientific and technological progress on June 11, 1985. Moscow, 1985, p. 6.
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