Refugees of the First World War: the Ukrainian dimension (1914-1918). - Kh.: Verovets A. P. "Apostrophe", 2012. - 568 p.*
The Great War of 1914-1918 was a great test for human civilization, radically changing the geopolitical and ethno-social face of the European continent. It brought not only catastrophic destruction, numerous victims on the battlefields, but also transformed the system of moral guidelines, leveled the very value of human life. In society, the system of social roles was changed and new groups entered the arena-refugees, deportees, prisoners of war, united by modern Western historiography by the generalizing concept of "displaced persons".
On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, scientists working on this issue are summing up some of the results of their work. The history of this armed conflict will undoubtedly be significantly updated with new developments, and its little-explored problems will receive a new impetus. The relatively new aspects of the study include the topic of refugees, which, as an integral part of the social history of this period, has been out of the field of view of historians for quite a long time. The third monographic work of L. M. Zhvanko, a Ukrainian researcher and member of the Russian Association of Historians of the First World War, "Refugees of the First World War: the Ukrainian dimension (1914-1918)", published in 2009, is a landmark in the study of this problem. For the first time in post-Soviet historiography, she published a collection of documents " refugees of the First World War in Ukraine: documents and materials (1914-1918) "(Kharkiv, 2009, 360 p.), dedicated to one of the key humanitarian problems of the Great War1. In fact, we can talk about a successful author's project consisting of complementary scientific works. The new book focuses on refugee status as a complex problem faced by all participants in the military conflict, but most importantly by the Romanov Empi ...
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