Edited by I. A. Fedosov (in Russian). editor), I. I. Astafieva, I. D. Kovalchenko, Moscow, MSU Publishing House, 1970, 469 p. The print run is 10,000. Price 1 rub 37 kopecks.
Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the problems of source studies. Both its theoretical foundations and individual issues of specific source studies are being successfully developed .1 The attention of historians is drawn, in particular, to the earlier
1 See, for example: S. M. Kashtanov and A. A. Kurnosov. Some questions
page 158
very poorly studied sections of source studies of the national history of the period of capitalism 2 . All this created the conditions for the appearance of consolidated works on source studies of the history of the USSR of the XIX-early XX century. The first attempt of this kind in the post-war period was V. I. Strelsky's book " Source Studies of the History of the USSR. The Period of Imperialism "(Moscow, 1962). Another step in the same direction was taken by the staff of the Department of History of the USSR (the period of capitalism) Moscow State University, which created a textbook on source studies of the history of the USSR covering the 19th and early 20th centuries. (before 1917) 3 .
The introduction sets out the most important methodological provisions concerning the problems of source science, principles of classification and methods of source analysis, defines the main tasks of the manual: to give students an idea of the complexes of sources on the most important problems and help them learn general methods of working on the main types of sources (p. 9). The structure of the book is based on chronological and thematic principles, sources are analyzed by their types. These principles are mutually related in the manual. Sometimes, when considering materials on individual issues, one type of source is in the center (for the history of socio - economic development, this is mainly statistical data, for the history of the internal polic ...
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