NON-IDENTITY OF INERTIAL AND GRAVITATIONAL MASSES Only conditional identity of inertial mass of moving matter to its gravitational mass only by gravity-quantum clock, which is located in the point, from which the matter started its inertial motion, and due to the usage of corrected value of gravitational constant in its pseudo-centric intrinsic frame of reference of spatial coordinates and time (FR), is justified. This is related to the equivalence of inertial mass of matter to the Hamiltonian of its inert free energy, while the gravitational mass of matter is equivalent to the Lagrangian of its internal energy. In classical mechanics and in SR the inert free energy of rest , which tends to the minimum and transforms into kinetic energy in the process of the fall of body in gravitational field, is the equivalent of Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies, which tend to the minimum in thermodynamic processes. The conservation of Hamiltonian of the inert free energy of rest of matter  () is guaranteed due to the decreasing of inertial mass of rest  of matter in the process of its free fall. The Hamiltonian momentum , which is proportional to gravitational mass , is derived from Lagrangian  of namely inert free energy of matter. The magnitude of matter momentum, according to Noether’s theorem [1] and Heisenberg uncertainty principle, is invariant (in relation to the transformation of time) characteristic of moving matter and, consequently, is invariant for all observers despite the different rates of time of their gravity-quantum clocks. Coordinate pseudo-vacuum velocity of light  vcj(r)=cbj1/2 is determined for certain point j in unified (for all gravithermodynamically bonded matter of the Earth) coordinate astronomical time tE. It is identical to the critical velocity of baryonic matter in the relativistic gravithermodynamics (RGTD) [2, 3] and its value depends on Schwarzschild radial coordinate r of that point. It decreases while approaching the pseudo-horizon or the grav ... Читать далее

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Беларусь Анлайн · 746 days ago 0 281
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