Candidate of Economic Sciences
Far East Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: China, the role of transport, socio-economic development
The Chinese leadership considers the main modes of transport of the PRC, primarily rail and road, as a key life-supporting system of the economy, the most important factor in economic and social development, strengthening the unity of the country's economic space.
China's dynamic economic growth at the beginning of the twenty-first century was largely due to large-scale investments in the development of transport infrastructure. The rapid development of the transport industry has largely determined China's economic and spatial development, and has contributed to strengthening its integrity and international influence. New high-speed railways and highways "compress" the vast expanse of China, making its territorial structure more reliable and accessible. By becoming a new strategic industry in China, they stimulate domestic demand and promote the development of related high-tech industries.
After the completion of the world's longest 2,298-km high-speed railway (HSR) Beijing-Guangzhou in ten years, by the beginning of 2014, the world's largest railway network with a total length of 10,463 km1 was created. This huge work cost China an astronomical sum - more than 2.5 trillion yuan*, but today in China high-speed express trains run on 34 lines. The construction of high-speed highways has significantly increased the mobility of the Chinese population. By the beginning of 2014, VSZHD accounted for 25% of all passenger traffic by rail in the PRC.2 The annual increase in passenger traffic after the commissioning of the Beijing-Tianjin High-speed railway was 20%, and the Beijing - Shanghai High-speed railway-40%. In 2013 alone, about 100 million people used the Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Rail services. there are 3 passengers.
According to the "Urban Development Plan for the PRC ...
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