As you know, historiography studies the history of historical science, as well as the totality of thematic, historical studies. Therefore, the relevant specialists take their rightful place in it. However, the question arises: should there be a place for historians-writers in whose work not only (or not so much) special works are presented, but also literary and artistic works on historical topics? The question is not as simple as it might seem. It is enough to refer to the works on the history of historical science to make sure that this question is practically not raised in them1 . Approximately the same attitude to fiction historians is found in foreign generalizing works. At best, we find a phrase or two that J. W. Goethe's works of art or his travelogues also serve as a useful source for studying his epoch. 2 Works such as historical novels and historical novellas, regardless of their degree of reliability, are never included even in the most complete consolidated historiographical works .3Meanwhile, the writings of some writers are so reliably historical that the reader can sometimes get from them no less authentic information about any era than from the research of a specialist historian. The further back in history, the more often specialists resort to studying literary works as valuable sources. For example, ancient scholars thoroughly study Homer's poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" in this aspect, and Medievalists - "The Tale of Igor's Regiment" and "The Song of Roland". Perhaps one day M. A. Sholokhov's "The Quiet Don" will also be valued as a historical source. But today we cannot say so, although the accuracy of Sholokhov's observations and records related to specific events has already been recorded by science .4 It is well known that O. de Balzac's "Human Comedy" gives us the most remarkable realistic history of French society... from 1816 to 1848 " 5 . Try, however, to find specific references to Balzac in the historical bibliography! Therefore, th ... Читать далее

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Беларусь Анлайн · 13 days ago 0 37
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
27.01.2025 (13 days ago)
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