TOP PROBLEM ISLAM, ISLAMISM AND EXTREMISM "ISLAMIC STATE": ITS ORIGIN AND PROSPECTS by B.V.Dolgov, PhD (History), Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS Keywords: "Islamic state", Islamist ideology, the "Arab Spring", the Syrian crisis The ideologues of doctrine of the Islamic State declare that their doctrine based on the "eternal and just laws of the Koran" is an alternative to "the West which is wrong and mired in the evils". That is why their doctrine continues to attract attention of not only Muslims, but also people of other civilizations. The aggravation of the socio-economic problems, taking place in the Arab-Muslim world, and, to a sufficient degree in the EU and the United States, where the crisis also affects the spiritual realm of the Western post-Christian society contributes to popularity of this doctrine. Expansion of the terrorist organization "Islamic state" (IG) can significantly destabilize the situation in the region. This primarily relates to Libya, where the central government does not control the entire country. In the certain part of its territory Islamist leaders proclaimed adherence to the IG. REVOLT IN THE ARABIAN WORLD: CROPS AND SHOOTS MIGRATION PROCESSES IN NORTH AFRICA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ARAB CRISIS: IS IT THE PROBLEM OF EUROPE ONLY? by N.V.Sukhov, PhD (History), Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS; Institute for African Studies, RAS Keywords: North Africa, Algeria, Morocco, illegal migration, smuggling, xenophobia, racism, human rights, integration of migrants and refugees For a quarter of a century now the massive flows of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, are routed through North Africa to Europe. Since 2005, the author has had a chance to be a direct witness of the migration processes in the Maghreb. In this article, a special attention is paid to the complex of problems which generated a lot of changers in Morocco, the country which is now a junction of migration. POLICY. ECONOMY ISRAEL: WAR ON TWO FRONTS by A.A.Ermakov, PhD (Histor ... Читать далее

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Беларусь Анлайн · 337 days ago 0 191
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
20.02.2024 (337 days ago)
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