Danylchenko, Pavlo
SSPE GeoSystem,
Thermodynamical interpretation of General Relativity [1], consideration of the Universe as a single spiral-wave formation [2], and consideration of the so-called elementary particles and quarks as finite local flows of these spiral waves [3, 4] actually allowed the creation of a "theory of everything" [5], which would explain, in fact, everything in the world within the framework of a single model.
The presence of relativistic non-simultaneity (in cosmological time that is counted in the frame of references of spatial coordinates and time (FR) comoving with matter in expanding Universe (CFREU)) of events that are simultaneous in FR of people’s world leads to the fact that Schwarzschild sphere belongs only to infinitely far cosmological future and the pseudo-horizon of events (that covers entire infinite in CFREU fundamental space) belongs only to infinitely far cosmological past [1, 6, 7].
For exactly this reason the collapse of the matter under the Schwarzschild sphere is fundamentally impossible, and the hypothetical “black holes” (that “substitute” real extremely massive neutron stars that have a hollow body topology and mirror symmetry of their own space and contain antimatter inside their inner singular surface) are also fundamentally impossible. And the theory of Big Bang of the Universe (that is based on its origination from a point) is false. After all the spherical surface that corresponds to infinitely far past of cosmological time has not zero, but, quite the contrary, maximum possible value of photometric radius in FR of people’s world rc≈c/H=(3/Λ)1/2, where: c – constant of velocity of light, H – Hubble constant, Λ – cosmological constant [1, 6].
Although the simultaneous spontaneous inversion of wave fronts of all microobjects of matter (and thus mutual transformation of matter into antimatter and of antim ...
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