Quantum levitation and superconductivity, this, as they say in Odessa, two big differences
    Quantum levitation and superconductivity, this, as they say in Odessa, two big differences   A. Ampere's hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, based on the fact that the atoms of all substances, spinning around the nucleus of the atom, generate microcurrents that produce magnetism is not true. Magnetism is determined by gravitons - magnetic dipoles, from which the entire material world is composed. Gravitons attracted to each other by different poles form magnetic, electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The gravitons attracted to each other by different poles form the bodies of atoms and molecules. Magnetism of atoms is determined by the charge imbalance: The electrons revolving around the nucleus of the atom are concentrated in two northern poles, called the negative electric potential. And perpendicular to the ring, where electrons move, the nucleus of the atom generates two southern poles, which is called a positive electric potential. This difference of electrical, and in fact magnetic potentials and determines the magnetism of atoms, determines the ability of atoms to connect to molecules. By the way, this model of atoms was confirmed by the experiment established in 1952 by German physicists O. Stern and V. Gerlach, although they could not explain the result of the experiment. In our opinion, the Meissner-Oxenfeld effect is carried out as follows. Every massive body has, and around itself, and within itself a gravitational field formed by mini vortices of the ether-gravitons. And when the ceramics are placed in an ultralow temperature, gravitons of the gravitational field of ceramics undergo compression of their volume, which increases their energy. That is, the gravitational field of the ceramic, the level of its energy turns into a magnetic field, or, more accurately, it turns into a gravimagnetic field. Gravitons of the gravimagnetic field of ceramics, attracted to each other by opposite poles, displace the gravimagnetic field from the body of th ... Read more

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Полная версия: http://library.ee/m/articles/view/-Quantum-levitation-and-superconductivity-this-as-they-say-in-Odessa-two-big-differences
Беларусь Анлайн · 2416 days ago 0 740
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
29.06.2018 (2416 days ago)
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Quantum levitation and superconductivity, this, as they say in Odessa, two big differences

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