Origin of fundamental forces due to interference of neutrinos and particles
This paper has proposed unique ideas to hit lots of fundamental targets raised by quantum physics. Establishing the mechanism of initiation of fundamental forces, the author had to revise the basis of interaction of elementary particles. An attempt was made to determine how neutrinos interference with elementary particles based on the relationship between the geometric units deemed as material objects in view of physical relations. The presence of fluctuating neutrinos in macro world and intra-atomic space may explain the penetrating features of neutrino and their long-range action.  The neutrinos interaction in vacuum space (ether) can be the basis for origin of dark matter and dark energy.        A selective binding of proton with the only one electron proposed an unique form of proton that bound with three quarks-tetrahedron within triangular which helped to explain the formation and neutrality of the neutron and its decay. The binding of elementary particles i.e. proton-neutrinos-electron appeared to be the basis of macro-and micro world. In the expanded state this binding is transforming into the atom of hydrogen, in a compressed state it is neutron, and after coupling it is nucleon. Atom of helium in a compressed state transfers to coupled nucleon and the fundamental atomic nucleus.  New basis for atom structure and its nucleus, the structural scheme of formation of electronic bindings of atoms are given. Made first steps towards the explanation of the nature of antiparticles, origin of charge, energy and quantum particles. Probable origin of particle mass, time and heat was revised that enabled to determine the manner of neutrinos interactions with electrons and protons. Overviewed new principles of nucleus formation, atoms and molecules. Performed analysis of material existence of geometric units contained in the atom. Suggested the role of ultragamma waves as the carrier of gravitation that proven by experiments with gamma rays. The paper proposes one of th ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/Origin-of-fundamental-forces-due-to-interference-of-neutrinos-and-particles
Беларусь Анлайн · 2007 days ago 0 565
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Origin of fundamental forces due to interference of neutrinos and particles

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