III Summer SCHOOL "Jewish History and CULTURE of CENTRAL and Eastern Europe of the XIX-XX centuries"
V. V. Skalsky (Kiev), V. V. Shevchenko (Kiev) From July 2 to 27, 2012, Lviv hosted the third Summer School "Jewish History and Culture of Central and Eastern Europe of the XIX-XX centuries", organized by the Center for Urban History of Central and Eastern Europe (director-Sofia Diak, academic coordinator-Irina Matsevko). 20 students - young scientists, undergraduates, museum workers, journalists-were offered 7 courses presented by scientists from Ukraine, Israel and Poland. The lecture cohort was represented by: Dr. Vladimir Levin (Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dr. Semyon Goldin (Center for Russian and Eastern European Jewry Leonid Nevzlin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dr. Joanna Lisek (Faculty of Jewish Studios, University of Wroclaw), Prof. Maksim Gon (Rivne State University for the Humanities), PhD. singing rob. We are Khaylo Tyagly (Ukrainian Center for the Study of the History of the Holocaust), PhD. singing rob. Vasyl Rasevich (Institute of Ukrainian Studies named after I. Kripyakevich NASU). In addition, guest lectures and presentations were given by Dr. Arkady Zeltser, Pyotr Pilyuk and Sofia Gracheva. With great interest, the students of the summer school listened to Dr. V. Levin's course "from tradition to modernity: the Jews of the Russian Empire in the "long XIX century". In the course of his reading, there were constant discussions, scientific disputes, and debates around the issues raised by the lecturer. And thanks to this, in addition to some factual material, it was possible to enrich oneself with new views on a particular problem in Jewish history, in particular, in the Ukrainian expanses. A logical continuation of the previous course was the lectures of Dr. S. Goldin, during which the school participants had the opportunity to find out the essence of the Jewish enlightenment and modernization processes in this ethnic environment using the example of the countries of Central and Easte ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.md/m/articles/view/III-Summer-SCHOOL-Jewish-History-and-CULTURE-of-CENTRAL-and-Eastern-Europe-of-the-XIX-XX-centuries
Беларусь Анлайн · 395 days ago 0 175
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
25.12.2023 (395 days ago)
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III Summer SCHOOL "Jewish History and CULTURE of CENTRAL and Eastern Europe of the XIX-XX centuries"

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