N. A. Belous (Kiev) On September 12-15, 2012, the Second Congress of Foreign Researchers of Polish History was held in Krakow, organized by the Krakow Branch of the Polish Historical Society. It was attended by 300 historians from 32 countries. The main purpose of the congress was to hold debates and discussions on the topic "Poland in Central Europe". A valuable asset of the Congress (2007), according to the organizers, was the creation of a forum for sharing the experience of researchers from different countries of the world engaged in the study of the history of Poland. The Second Congress provided an opportunity to discuss both the prospects and current problems of teaching and popularizing the history of Poland, contributed to the integration of researchers and various institutions interested in studying the history of Poland, its historical ties with neighboring countries, and determining the country's place in Central Europe. The organizers of the congress tried to create comfortable conditions for all participants, especially visitors from abroad, which was facilitated by a wide cultural program. On the first day of the congress, several prestigious awards were presented. The main one - "Pro Historia Polonorum" - was awarded for the best historical books published in a foreign language related to the history of Poland. The first prize was awarded to Professor Anthony Polonsky from the USA for his monograph "the Jews in Poland and Russia". Several German and Russian historians have also been nominated for this award. Of the Ukrainians, it was received by the Assoc. Yaroslav Fedoruk for publishing the monograph " The Treaty of Vilna in 1656. The Eastern European crisis and Ukraine in the middle of the 17th century". (Kiev, 2011). Another well - known Ukrainian historian is Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak - was awarded for his personal achievements in the scientific and popularizing field. In 2009, he also received the Bene Merito Award of Merit from the Polish F ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.md/m/articles/view/II-CONGRESS-OF-FOREIGN-RESEARCHERS-OF-POLISH-HISTORY
Беларусь Анлайн · 221 days ago 0 102
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
10.02.2024 (221 days ago)
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