How Faraday discovered the conduction current
  How Faraday discovered the conduction current                                              Electron                                          Positron Red gravitons generate a magnetic field. Yellow gravitons generate an electric field. The blue torus, rotating like a toroid, generates a charge value. The blue torus, rotating like a wheel, generates the color of a photon.   Two hundred years ago, Faraday set an experiment where the motion of a magnet in an inductor generates a current in a galvanometer. Today, understanding this experiment, we have to conclude: the current theory of conduction current is erroneous because the basis of this theory is the motion of free electrons with immobile ions. The experience of Faraday shows that the current is formed by the motion of both negative and positive charges. And since there are no other charges in the conductor except for moving electrons and fixed ions, it follows that Faraday received two hundred years ago, as a conduction current, an electron-positron current propagating in ether around conductors. It is known that the magnetic field lines generated by the conduction current propagate just around the conductors, which is an indirect confirmation that the electron and positron charges that generate the electric and magnetic components also propagate around the conductors. All matter consists of gravitons and is surrounded by them, including a conductor. Electromagnetic induction is the transformation of the surrounding conductor of gravitons into electrons and positrons, which is accomplished by crossing the magnetic field conductor with decreasing or increasing magnetic induction. Gravitons surrounding the conductor, crossing the lines of force of the magnet, are converted into electrons, and when the pole of the magnet is changed, are converted into positrons. The alternating current is formed in this way. Faraday in his experience received this current . And the same current is obtained on an industrial scale, ... Читать далее

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Беларусь Анлайн · 2359 days ago 0 606
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Беларусь Анлайн
Минск, Belarus
26.08.2018 (2359 days ago)
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How Faraday discovered the conduction current

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