In March 2005 the newspaper "Dalnevostochny Ucheny" (Scienist of the Far East) published an article on a global belt of oil and gas accumulations in the Jurassic deposits of the Northern Hemisphere. It stressed the importance of switching the attention of specialists prospecting for oil from the deposits on the shelf zone of the Island of Sakhalin where they are found in sedimentary layers of Neogenic age formed some 25 mn years ago, to the continental zones of the Far East-Priamurye and Zabaikalye*. There are both direct and indirect signs of oil and gas deposits there in the stratigraphic slit of Mesozoic deposits of the Jurassic period with the age of 195 - 137 mn years. Continued studies of the regions of propagation of the latter in the Northern Hemisphere established a clearly expressed regularity of the location of coal, oil and gas deposits. This produced the hypothesis about the existence of a common belt of deposits of carbohydrate raws. And it seemingly includes all coal-mining countries of Western Europe, Asia and North America. The spatial location of the Jurassic giant belt becomes clear after paleological and paleogeographic reconstruction with the calculation of the coordinates of the geographic and * See: N. Bogdanov, "Russia's Shelf, Its Riches", Science in Russia, No. 4, 2003. - Ed. Pages. 44 magnetic poles of the Earth which, we know, shifted repeatedly during the many geological periods of the development of the planet. Some 600 mn years ago the geographical North Pole was on the territory of present-day Australia and 350 mn years ago it shifted into the region of the Islands of Japan. Russian scientist A. Khramov and his associates established that in the Jurassic period the geographical belt in the area where the Kamchatka joins the European mainland. Paleomagnetic data about the position of the Pole during that period have been described by Dr. Pyotr Ivashov of the Khabarovsk Institute of Water and Ecological Problems of the RAS Far ... Читать далее

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