by Alexander SERGEYEV, RAS Corresponding Member, head of the Nonlinear Dynamics and Optics Division of the RAS Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), Deputy Director of IAP for Research The Nonlinear Dynamics and Optics Division set up in the mid-1990s is the youngest department of the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) involved with a variety of fields, such as femtosecond optics and quantum generators, high-precision measurements and spectroscopy, biophotonics and ultrasound medical diagnostics... Neurophysics, among other promising areas, is likewise the target of its research. OPTICS OF GREAT POSSIBILITIES This is surprising indeed: processes underlying, e. g. the generation of superstrong optical fields in lasers or data management by the brain can be described in one physical language and studied within similar models. It is an important factor for express problem solving by interactive research teams. This job involves eminent scientists whose names are known in Russia and elsewhere for their pioneering work: such as Drs. Viktor Bespalov and Gennady Freidman (high-power lasers and nonlinear optical interactions); Dr. Israel Bernstein (high-resolution optical measurements); Dr. Yakov Khanin (quantum radiophysics); Dr. Andrei Krupnov (high-precision molecular spectroscopy); Dr. Maria Grekhova (radiophysical methods in medicine); Dr. Mikhail Rabinovich (nonlinear dynamics of non-equilibrium systems)... The schools founded by these scientists (holders of doctorates in physics and mathematics) are active at our Nonlinear Dynamics and стр. 53 Optics Division and keep bringing in new blood from young talents. Femtosecond optics is one go-ahead research line that has been making particularly good headway in the past ten years or so. Now why femtosecond optics? Well, we know that many processes in physical, chemical and biological systems at the molecular level take place within ultrashort time intervals, down to pico-, fem ... Read more

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