The accelerating pace of development of historical science requires the creation of various types and types of reference books to the documents of Soviet archives, and above all on the most relevant topics. One of them is the Decembrist movement.
Three general indexes on the history of the Decembrist movement, including more than 12 thousand bibliographic items, indicate a growing interest in it in our country and abroad .1 The bibliographies also take into account the reference literature on documents from archives, museums, and manuscript departments of libraries, but the success achieved in identifying and using documents about the Decembrists does not exhaust the richness, far from fully revealing their composition and content. Further work in this direction focuses on the creation of new reference books for archival materials that are distributed in many repositories, and within them in numerous collections and collections. In these circumstances, it is obvious that there is a need to increase the role of reference manuals that help you navigate the available archival documentation more fully, accurately and quickly. To outline the further development of such information, it is necessary to sum up certain results that have already been created.
Since the Decembrist uprising, a system of reference manuals, both published and unpublished, has gradually developed. It seems appropriate to analyze the most important of these existing and functioning thematic reference manuals, which are available in the system of the scientific reference apparatus (NSA) for documents of the State Archival Fund of the USSR.
The need for a reference device appeared even in the records management of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Criminal Court (1825-1826), as well as when using the act material of other institutions related to the suppression of the uprising and subsequent repression. When combining documents into cases, tables of contents and internal inventories were i ...
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