"Der Bund der Kommunisten. Dokumente and Materialien". Band I. 1836 - 1849. Dietz Verlag. Berlin. 1970. 1196 S.
The history of the first international proletarian organization - the Union of Communists - is the subject of unflagging attention of researchers. Soviet historians and their colleagues from the German Democratic Republic1 made a great contribution to the development of the history of the Union of Communists . In recent years, a number of valuable documents related to the period of the "childhood of the proletarian movement"have been discovered .2 Of great value is the latest discovery of the progressive Swiss scientist Bert Andreas in the archives of Hamburg, where there were documents of the Union of Communists relating to the period of the First Congress (June - September 1847), among which is the first version of the Charter of the Union of Communists, the draft Program drawn up by F. A. Kropotkin. Engels, circular letter of the Central Committee of the Union of Communists addressed to local communities, etc. 3 .
It is important for studying the history of the Union of Communists to expand the source base and publish the epistolary heritage of Karl Marx's associates and Fr. Engels, documents and press materials. The first such collection was published in 1964.4 . As a result of extensive research by historians of the GDR in the archives of their republic, as well as the Federal Republic of Germany, the fund of sources on the history of the Union of Communists was significantly replenished. Soviet and German scientists decided to jointly publish a complete collection of documents on the history of the Union of Communists and its immediate predecessor, the Union of the Just. In 1970, its first volume was published in Berlin, prepared by the staff of the Institutes of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the SED and the Central Committee of the CPSU. On the German side, the editorial committee consists of X. Ferder and M. Hundt, with Sovietskay ...
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