3rd ed., reprint. and additional m. Higher school. 1983. 352 p.
The textbook of Professor N. P. Eroshkin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of History of State Institutions and Public Organizations of the USSR of the Moscow Historical a …
Kyiv. Вища школа. 1981. 159 p.
The book of Professor of the Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Social Sciences at the Kiev University, Doctor of Historical Sciences G. I. Marakhov logically continues his previous works on the socio-political str …
Rostov-on-Don. 1983. 420 p.
The participation of the Don Cossacks in the peasant wars has already been reflected in the works of Soviet historians. However, there has not yet been any generalizing work on this problem. The book by Professor of Rostov Unive …
Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1983. 216 p.
Significant progress has been made in studying the history of pre - revolutionary historical science - the views and historical concepts of its individual representatives and entire trends .1 To a much lesser ex …
Техническое обслуживание и уход за приводными цепями – это важная часть поддержания работоспособности и долговечности промышленного оборудования. Приводные цепи используются в различных отраслях, от сельского хозяйства до машиностроения, и являются незамен …
В мире онлайн-слотов существует огромное количество игр, каждая из которых старается привлечь внимание игроков своими уникальными особенностями. Среди них особого внимания заслуживает "9 Masks of Fire" — слот от компании Gameburger Studios, выпущенный под …
During the three revolutions in our country, a galaxy of remarkable women was formed, who took an important place in political and cultural life. It is enough to mention I. F. Armand, N. K. Krupskaya, A. M. Kollontai, and E. D. Stasova. Anna Mikhailovna Pa …
The accelerating pace of development of historical science requires the creation of various types and types of reference books to the documents of Soviet archives, and above all on the most relevant topics. One of them is the Decembrist movement.
Three gen …
By the 80th anniversary of the 1905 - 19071905-1907 revolution in Russia-had a major impact on the workers ' liberation movement around the world. For the first time, the proletariat emerged as an independent political and ideological force capable of exer …
As you know, historiography studies the history of historical science, as well as the totality of thematic, historical studies. Therefore, the relevant specialists take their rightful place in it. However, the question arises: should there be a place for h …
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