На днях известная белорусская писательница Светлана Алексиевич, автор книг-хроник "У войны не женское лицо", "Последние свидетели", "Цинковые мальчики", "Очарованные смертью", "Чернобыльская молитва", получив стипендию писательской организации в структуре …
На днях известная белорусская писательница Светлана Алексиевич, автор книг-хроник "У войны не женское лицо", "Последние свидетели", "Цинковые мальчики", "Очарованные смертью", "Чернобыльская молитва", получив стипендию писательской организации в структуре …
M. Mysl'. 1982. 206 p.
Power in Russia, according to the plans of the Decembrists, was to pass to the provisional government, which was to carry out the first revolutionary transformations and ensure the convocation of the Great Council (Constituent Assemb …
УДК 004.087+050, 94(477)
Висвітлюється історія виникнення та розвитку електронної версії "Українського історичного журналу" на порталі Інституту історії України НАШУ. Розглядаються питання струкшурування даних, пов'язані з періодичними й серійними видан …
A. M. PANKRATOVA. The working class of Russia. Selected works . Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 559 p.
The name of Academician A. M. Pankratova (1897-1957), a scientist, organizer of Soviet historical science and public figure, is widely known. Her creative care …
The study of the history of the class struggle of the peasantry in the eighteenth century requires attention to the lower forms of anti-feudal struggle compared to the uprisings, such as the "search for the Cossacks" and escapes, which became widespread in …
To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory
Among the major military and political events of the Great Patriotic War, an important place is occupied by the Battle for the Caucasus, which unfolded on the vast territory between the Black and Caspian Seas fr …
Rostov-on-Don. Rostov Book Publishing House. 1984. 176 p.
Of all the regions that were hit by internal counter-revolution and intervened in the post-October period, the south of Russia is perhaps the most fully covered in the literature, and historians do …
The problem of the Russian-Golden Horde borderland has not yet been presented as an independent research topic. The borders of Russia with the Golden Horde remain unclear for a considerable length and are depicted on maps very roughly-dotted lines, sometim …
Essays on the history of trade unions of the Ukrainian SSR. Kyiv. Politizdat Ukrainy. 1983. 663 p.
Many works of Soviet scientists are devoted to the history of trade unions .1 An important step in its further development is the peer-reviewed work prepared …
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