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On October 5-9, 1984, Leningrad hosted meetings of the members of the Organizing Bureau for Constitutionalization (within the framework of the IKIN) of the International Commission on the History of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Present were: fro
Беларусь Анлайн · 15 days ago 0 32

One of the topics insufficiently covered in science is the evolution of the situation of small service people (soldiers, city Cossacks, archers, persons of the Pushkin rank) in Russia. Forming an ordinary mass of the armed forces, they played an important
Беларусь Анлайн · 15 days ago 0 26

The culture of the three fraternal peoples-Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian-developed on the basis of the achievements of the culture of the Ancient Russian state. Its vivid manifestation, original monuments of writing, social thought and sources were the
Беларусь Анлайн · 16 days ago 0 34

Moscow, MSU Publishing House, 1983, 303 p. Publication of a new book by Prof. MSU Doctor of Historical Sciences L. M. Bragina fills a significant gap in the understanding of Italian humanism, in the assessments of which there is still a lot of controversy.
Беларусь Анлайн · 16 days ago 0 31

M. "Science". 1976. 231 pp. The print run is 9,500. Price 1 rub. 4 kopecks. The book by V. M. Gridnev, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Plekhanov Institute of National Economy), is devoted to a problem that has not yet been sufficiently developed in Sovie
Беларусь Анлайн · 17 days ago 0 42

A significant contribution to the development of agricultural education in Russia was made by the Agricultural School of the Moscow Society of Agriculture (MOSH), which emerged in 1822 and developed from the very beginning as an all-family school. Accordin
Беларусь Анлайн · 17 days ago 0 42

In the Russian literature, there are almost no works devoted to specific sociological studies of Russian workers of the late XIX-early XX centuries. There are several reasons for this. The main issue that was in the center of attention of the Russian publi
Беларусь Анлайн · 18 days ago 0 46

In recent years, new types of educational institutions have appeared in the secondary education system: gymnasiums, lyceums, classes with advanced study of various disciplines in traditional schools, and new academic subjects have been introduced. New scho
Беларусь Анлайн · 18 days ago 0 40

During the Great October Socialist Revolution and the Civil War, Lenin's party raised and educated a whole galaxy of outstanding military leaders. Among them was V. M. Primakov. He joined the ranks of the Bolshevik Party in 1914, while still a high school
Беларусь Анлайн · 19 days ago 0 35

According to the plan of P. A. Stolypin, the agrarian reform was to be accompanied by a number of other transformations, which he first outlined in the government declaration of August 24, 1906.1 These reforms were and could not be anything other than "bur
Беларусь Анлайн · 19 days ago 0 44
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Минск, Belarus
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