On August 5, 2012, Elvira Alexandrovna Grunina, an outstanding turkologist and "teacher-legend", passed away. The editorial office of the magazine "Vostok (Oriens)" had already typed a text about her anniversary in the section "Significant dates" (see below), when it was reported that she would not have to see these lines published again. Creative achievements, the difficulties of many years of struggle for the preservation of the Department of Turkic Philology in the ISAA at Moscow State University (what T. M. Garipov called" militant modesty " of Elvira Alexandrovna), joy and grief interspersed in her life. The war ended her joyous adolescence. In the ranks of the generation of 1921-1922, who died on the border in the first weeks of the war, was the brother of Elvira Alexandrovna. There was a heavy wait for news from him in the family; the Grunin family did not leave for the evacuation. E. A. Grunina graduated from the tenth grade at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, where she entered and where she finished the first year. Then there was a completely conscious admission to the Eastern Department of the Faculty of Philology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. At the very first classes, the capable student was noticed by the harsh Turkish grammar teacher E. V. Sevortyan, whom she always considered her teacher. Elvira Alexandrovna was the niece of Timofey Ivanovich Grunin, a prominent turkologist of rare specialization. Working in Kiev on the assignment of Academician A. E. Krymsky, he studied the acts of the Armenian community of Kamyanets-Podolsk (XVI century), written in the Turkic (Kypchak) language in Armenian graphics; the study was defended in 1944 as a candidate's thesis. Elvira Alexandrovna recalled: "In the 50s, European Turkology became interested in the Armenian-Kipchak problem, and T. P. Grunin was invited to publish his work. By that time, as a result of an unsuccessful operation, he was blind. So I found myself involved in a new field for me, ... Читать далее

Эта публикация была размещена на Либмонстре в другой стране и показалась интересной редакторам.

Полная версия: https://elibrary.com.ua/m/articles/view/ELVIRA-ALEKSANDROVNA-GRUNINA-1926-2012
Беларусь Анлайн · 60 дней(я) назад 0 50
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